Page 56 of Saving Scarlet
“You’re right, baby. You are safe with me. You’re safe to be naughty, and to be a brat, and to be who you are. I don’t want you to be anyone else.”
Tears stream down her face, and I feel like I could cry right now too, but I don’t. Instead, I start spanking her again and don’t stop until she lets out a sob. As soon as I hear it, I lift her into my arms and sit on the closed toilet lid with her cuddled up to me.
“I love you, Scarlet.”
She lets out a loud sob and buries her face against the crook of my neck. “I-I love y-you, too, Daddy.”
My heart swells. I have never loved anyone like I love this Little girl. As soon as all this bullshit is over, I’m changing her last name so I can keep her forever.
When her tears dry, I set her on her feet and pull her panties up over her hips, but tug her leggings down lower. “Hold my shoulders and step out.”
“Will you stay with me?” she asks.
“Of course, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”
I move my gaze to meet hers and cup her chin in my hand. “Never ever.”
Her smile is breathtaking, and it melts me to the core. I lift her shirt over her head, remove her bra, then lead her into the bedroom where I find one of my plain white T-shirts and drop it over her head. She’s so small it practically reaches her knees.
“Crawl up.”
She obeys, and when she crawls across the bed to the far side, I catch a glimpse of her red bottom peeking out from her panties. She’ll be sore for a day or so but hopefully that will serve as a reminder to behave.
After stripping down to my boxer briefs, I climb into bed next to her, and lie on my back, then pull her on top of me. Her silky hair fans over my chest.
“Sometimes I think I act naughty because I want to test you to see if you’ll get tired of me,” she whispers.
I stroke her back and kiss the top of her head. “I know, baby. You can test me as much as you need. I’m not going to get tired of you. If anything, you’ll get tired of me being an overbearing, bossy asshole.”
She lifts her head and looks me in the eye, her own sparkling with mirth. “You’re actually a meanie-head, not an asshole.”
We both start laughing. I cup her face and pull her to my lips, kissing her slowly and thoroughly. When I let her go, she sighs contentedly and rests her head on my chest again.
“Sweet dreams, baby.”
“You too, Daddy.”
Within minutes of me flipping off the lamp, her breathing turns into soft snores that soothe me to sleep.
“We can get real piranhas? Like real ones that will eat flesh?” I ask with wide eyes.
Cali nods and shows me her phone, which is on a website that sells exotic and illegal fish. Apparently, piranhas aren’t legal in the state of Washington, but thanks to the internet, we can still get them delivered right to our door.
“As soon as we can go home, we should order some,” she says and waggles her eyebrows.
I bob my head. “Hell yeah. But Declan and Killian will have a fit.”
She shrugs. “I mean, we’ll definitely get spanked, but it will be so worth it to see the looks on their faces. Seriously, though, it’s like they don’t even try to be the real mafia. Everyone knows the mob feeds people to the fish. It’s in every book and movie.”
“I know. Bash and Grady were grumbling about me reading mafia books. Like how am I supposed to learn about the business if I don’t read up on it? Sometimes I think they’re so dense.”
We start laughing as we shove Cheetos into our mouths. It’s been three days since our original safe house was breached, and during the day while the men are working, Cali and I have been inseparable. Other than the fact that Maxwell, Patrick, Cullen and a bunch of other huge hulking men are hovering everywhere, guarding pretty much every door and window, it feels like I’m starting to get back to my old self. I’ve been keeping food down. Plus, I haven’t had a nightmare the last four nights.