Page 60 of Saving Scarlet
Declan thinks about it for a second before he agrees. “I do like turning Cali’s ass red. I also like seeing her smile. It’s the best of both worlds.”
Bash snorts. “Jesus. You two have fucking lost it. The day I become as sprung over a woman as you two idiots, just put a bullet in my head.”
I roll my eyes. Bash might talk tough but when he meets the right woman, I have no doubt he’ll be on his knees for her just like me and Declan.
Before I can say that, Hawk calls again. I answer it immediately, hearing his heavy breathing on the other end.
“Killian, you guys have a traitor,” he shouts.
My eyes go wide as I look at Declan, the blood in my entire body running cold. All six of us are on our feet in an instant.
“Someone in your ranks. They’re at the safe house and they’ve been feeding information to the Russians,” he says.
My fingers grip my phone so tightly the screen cracks. “Who?” I demand.
“We haven’t gotten a name yet.”
“Find the girls!” Declan shouts. “Not a word to anyone outside this room about a traitor. As far as anyone else is concerned, we’re worried the Russians found us, so we need to get the girls to a new location.”
“See if you can get a name. Torture them until they break,” I growl before I hang up. “Patrick said he would take them to the creek.” I follow the rest of the men out of the house at a run.
We all take off in different directions. The sinking feeling in my stomach feels like a ton of bricks. This is bad. One of the worst possible scenarios for a syndicate. Having a traitor in our ranks makes us vulnerable. Our men know our moves. They know our procedures and our plans for when shit hits the fan. Which means they know how we’ll react to something like this. They know when we find out who they are, they’re as good as dead, so that means they have nothing to lose.
I call Scarlet while I run. It rings and rings with no answer. I call again. Five times. Ten times. Until finally it connects.
“It’s Bash. Her phone was on the ground. Cali’s was in the creek,” he says breathlessly.
“Fuck!” I roar.
“I’m at the east side of the creek,” Bash says.
I take off in his direction and pray to God we can trace their footsteps or something. Anything.
My heart squeezes so tightly in my chest, it feels like I’m having a heart attack. I deserve it. I’ve failed her again.
I rack my mind for anything that sticks out about Patrick. There’s no way to know if he’s the traitor, but my girl was in his care. Had he been acting strange at all? Asking weird questions? He’d said something about people digging hard enough could find anything. Could that mean something?
I’ve known the guy since we were kids. He’s never given me the impression he’d turn against us. Not that it couldn’t happen. For some people, no amount of wealth is enough and they’ll do anything for more. Even if it means going against their own.
When I reach Bash, Declan, Kieran, and Ronan are already there. I call Hawk and he picks up right away.
“I need Colt to look into one of our guy’s financials. His name is Patrick Ryan. Anything that seems odd, have him dig into it. The girls are with him right now and we can’t locate them.”
I hang up without waiting for a response. I know Hawk will do whatever I ask right now.
“Where the fuck are they?” I shout.
Declan’s chest is heaving as he looks in all directions. Grady comes out of the dense forested area, shaking his head when we all look to him with hope.
“Call Patrick,” Declan commands.
Kieran doesn’t hesitate, and we all stand in a circle, waiting for an answer. When it goes straight to voicemail, my heart sinks.
“We can’t scour this mountain by ourselves. We also can’t trust any of our men right now,” I say.
“How fast can we get a chopper from Seattle to here?” Bash asks.
“Twenty minutes. I’ll call Hawk. Someone order the chopper to head to their north warehouse. Someone else call Alessandro and see if he can send some of his men.” I dial Hawk again.