Page 23 of Monster's Obsession
While he droned on about chameleons and how we can learn a thing or two from them, I became hyperaware of the kid with the black eye sitting to my left. He had dusky skin and a mop of curly hair on his head, along with a practically full beard. His tie was loose, the top buttons on his shirt undone, with a tuft of dark hair sticking out.
He kept sniffing in my general direction. I was pretty sure he thought he was being stealthy about it, but his flaring nostrils and the constantsniff, sniffnoises were a dead giveaway.
“Dude, stop,” I whispered out of the side of my mouth.
“How’d you do it?” he whispered back.
“Do what?”
“Figure it out after your first try?”
“The doorway.” He nodded at the classroom entrance.
“Oh, that.” I shrugged. “Just use your senses, man. That’s what they’re there for. If you trust them, they usually won’t let you down.”
“Use my senses…” He said it like he was having an epiphany, which was strange because the dude was a werewolf, the species at the top of the food chain being good with senses.
“You are such a loser, Krishna,” Selina stage-whispered from my right.
I whipped my head around. I honestly didn’t give two shits about the clueless werewolf, but damn, I seriously disliked bullies.
“Shut the fuck up, Selina,” I snapped.
Far, far too loudly.
And just like that, absolute, total silence descended. Every student was staring in my direction, most with their mouths hanging open. Professor Kennedy had his arm extended, the lizard perched on the end, half of it a bright red color—what the hell sort of camouflage that was, I had no idea—the other half a springy green color, frozen, as if someone had cast a spell over them both.
Well, the lizard just thrust out its little tongue, so I guess he wasn’t frozen after all.
I slid deeper into my seat, like that would somehow camouflage me against all these stares.
I was definitely not starting my academy career on the right foot.
When I steppedinto the dining hall at lunchtime, my gaze zoned in on Daruka like the obsessed monster I’d become. It was annoying, mostly because I wasn’t used to being so focused on another individual but also because the woman wouldn’t give me the time of day, and damn, that smarted.
Although this morning, Lilith save me, when Daruka laughed…
I wasn’t one to throw around the L-word. My dad insisted I had a destined mate somewhere, and yeah, all elves did, but I was also part demon, and demons definitely weren’t into taking mates. So I figured I had a fifty-fifty chance.
And since the woman I was currently obsessed with was also half demon, I figured that dropped my chance to nil.
That didn’t mean I didn’t want to have the time of my life with her, naked, for as long as it took to shag her out of my system.
Except, wait a minute, who the hell was she cozying up to over there? I stalked toward her and the hairy kid seated way, way too close to her on the bench. And they were laughing. Damn it, I wanted Daruka’s laughs all to myself.
Yes, I needed to get a grip. Just as soon as I figured out what was going on between these two.
Ignoring the outrage of the winter faery I practically sat on before he slid to the side, I dropped onto the bench directly across from Daruka and her new pal.
She paused with a forkful of pasta hovering above her plate, a dollop of red sauce about to drop at any second.
“Hey, Asmoday,” the kid next to her said with a warm smile.
I didn’t really know him, but it wasn’t surprising that he knew me. I’d been around for six years, after all. Plus, I had a reputation as a stud, so a lot of the guys, especially the first and second years, tried to get on my good side, thinking I might impart words of wisdom that would help them get laid.