Page 105 of Deadly Trap
"Maybe she's learned from her experiences.But her life isn't your life.Not anymore.You're both adults.You can have distance between you but still love her."
"Seeing her in that apartment reminded me of who she used to be, a warm, bright, colorful, and happy person.I didn't expect to feel so confused by her, Nick."She shot him a pointed look."And it's your fault.You told me to keep an open mind, to not prejudge, or put up walls before I knew if I needed any.Look what happened, no guard walls up, and she got back in."
He smiled at her disgruntled expression."You let her in because you wanted to.You needed to.There's love between you two, Isabella.If there wasn't, she wouldn't be able to hurt you so much."
"I don't want to feel hurt anymore.I don't even want to be angry with her.Oh, I don't know what I want."
"I think you do."
She gave another heavy sigh."You're right.I know what I want.I want to see her again after all this is over.When I have a clear head.When I'm not thinking about anything else.Then, we'll see."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Two miles to go," she said as they passed a sign."I need to get my head back in the game.This trip went fast.And so far, no one is shooting at us, so that's a good sign."
"I hope so," he said as he took the next exit."I also hope we're going to get some good luck.If Jasmine doesn't have the painting, I don't know what we should do next."
"Now who's looking too far down the road?"she chided."Jasmine might give us exactly what we need."
"I hope you're right.Do you still have the letters?"
"Yes, they're in my bag.Why?"
"I'm thinking we might use them to get in to see her."
"Good idea, Nick."
"We'll see."
As he got off the highway and drove through the rolling hills of Tuscany, he was once more struck by the beauty of the landscape, especially when they drove into the enclosed city of Cortona, with its cobblestone streets and historic charm.
Jasmine's house was located slightly past the main part of the city in an area with more space between homes and sat under a trio of lemon trees thriving in the Mediterranean sun.
After parking the car, they walked up to the two-story house with its vine-covered walls and used an old brass ring to knock on the door.
Several minutes later, a young tired-looking woman carrying a toddler on her hip opened the door with a weary, questioning, "Pronto?Come posso aiutarti?"
"Is Jasmine home?"he asked, hoping she spoke English.
"You want to see my grandmother?"she asked in surprise, her accent thick.
"Yes.My name is Nick Caruso.She knew my great-grandfather, Tomas, a long time ago.I have something to give her that he meant to send her a long time ago."
She stared at him in wary confusion."My grandmother barely remembers who I am.I don't think she'll remember some man from her youth."
"Would it be possible to ask her?I speak some Italian if that's an issue."
"She speaks English…sometimes.She doesn't speak very much at all anymore.She's ninety-two years old."
As another baby screamed somewhere in the house, the woman shifted the toddler on her hip, and then shrugged."Va bene.Entra." She took them down the hall and knocked on a door, then pushed it open."Noni," she said."There's someone here to see you."
He stepped into the room with Isabella close behind him.A white-haired lady sat in a chair by the window overlooking the valley.She was thin, and her arms and face were freckled and weathered by age.She slowly turned her head.Her green eyes were dull at first, then took on a new light as she looked at him.
"Tomas?"she questioned, as if she were seeing a ghost.
His gut clenched.She thought he was his great-grandfather.
A baby screamed louder in the hallway.