Page 111 of Deadly Trap
"One-Five," she said."And this classroom is number five."
"I read the report on the painting stolen from the gallery in Firenze."
"David Leoni's painting?"
"There was a number two-twelve on the frame."
"That has to be the second floor, classroom twelve."
"Let's find out," he said."After you."
"What about that guy?Shouldn't you call for an ambulance?"
"The man I shot is dead, and Nick is unconscious.I assume the assailant knocked him out."
"I guess.I didn't see what happened.Maybe I should check on him."
"You can do that later.I don't want to leave you here in case that man has a partner."
Despite his words, there was an iciness in his voice and in his eyes.He wasn't going to take no for an answer.She was afraid he'd pull out the gun and shoot her if she didn't comply, and as they moved toward the stairs, she was terribly afraid that she and Nick weren't going to get out of this alive.
Nick had come back to life at the sound of the gunshot, his brain clearing as he heard voices through the sharp, throbbing pain in his head.It took every ounce of strength he had not to move, not to give away the fact that he was conscious.
Isabella was talking to Stefano.Apparently, Stefano had shot the man who had knocked him out.That man was dressed in black, a pool of blood spreading around him and sliding down the hallway.Stefano had shot him in the head.It had been a kill shot.Maybe he'd been unconscious when Stefano told the gunman to put his weapon down, but he didn't like the fact that Stefano was alone.
Stefano wasn't at all concerned about the man he'd shot or about him.Stefano wanted the paintings.He was part of this.He was either in charge or working with someone else.Hell, maybe it was Lavezzo.
As Stefano and Isabella moved down the hall, he opened his eyes, seeing their flashlight beams bounce off the stairwell walls.He remembered hearing Isabella say she'd found the painting.She must think the other ones were upstairs, or she was trying to stall and save him by getting Stefano to go to another floor.
He rolled over and pulled his gun out from under his shirt.He should have had it in his hand when he'd entered the building.He'd made a costly mistake allowing himself to get jumped, but it wouldn't be a fatal mistake.He would save Isabella if it was the last thing he did.
He grabbed his phone from the floor so he would have some light and stumbled to his feet.The pain was so overwhelming, darkness threatened to descend back over him.He leaned against the wall as he caught his breath and tried to get his balance.That's when he heard another pad of soft footsteps coming from the doorway that led to the courtyard.
He raised his gun, ready to take out whoever was coming inside, but a gunshot would mean giving away the fact that he was conscious and had a weapon.So, he waited…
His breath caught in his throat as he saw the woman creeping down the hallway, keeping to the shadows.He flashed the light on her, and she froze.
"Sylvie," he murmured in shock.
When she realized it was him, she hurried down the hall, stopping again when she saw the dead body on the floor.
"Oh, God!" she breathed, putting a hand to her heart.
He moved down the hallway, taking her hand, pulling her away from the body and into a small, recessed area by the restroom."What are you doing here, Sylvie?"
"I figured out the paintings were from the courtyard at the school.I didn't have a way to get in touch with Isabella, so I came on my own."
"Did you tell Stefano we were coming here?"
She looked at him in confusion."No.He called me and said Isabella was in trouble.I remembered what you said about not trusting him, so I told him I didn't know where she was.But he made me worry even more.Where is she?"
"Upstairs," he said as he heard Stefano order Isabella to keep moving.
"She's with Stefano?"Sylvie asked in shock."How did he know she was here?"
"I'm guessing he had us followed.Or maybe you."
"This is my fault?Oh, God!"