Page 18 of Deadly Trap
"Anna is amazing," she said."But I still want to help."
"But if I'm in danger, then you are in danger, too, simply because you're here, and I don't want that."
"I don't think you're in danger, but we need to find out more about Lucinda's painting.Where is the sketch book you mentioned?"
"It's in the attic.I'll get it for you tomorrow.The lighting isn't very good, and it will be dark up there now.You must be tired with the time change and the trip, anyway."
"A little," she admitted as she sat down on the edge of the chaise lounge."But I'll bounce back after a meal."
"You always bounce back," her grandmother said, her smile fading with her next words."We should talk about your mother and why you are barely speaking to each other."
"We text occasionally.It's no different now than it has been the last several years."
"She said you didn't even comment when she told you she was moving to Firenze.And never responded when she sent you photos of her place or mentioned she was excited about reconnecting with old friends."
"You mean old boyfriends.I don't want to hear her talk about any more men in her life.They always turn out to be losers, and she never listens to me."She paused."Although now that I've met Stefano, I realize she was probably talking about reconnecting with him."
"But they're not dating each other, just catching up.And I think that will be good for her.Sylvie's life fell apart when she went to the States.Maybe she can get it back."
"I'm not confident she can.She makes terrible decisions, Grandma, and she can't be swayed.When she wants something or someone, she convinces herself that’s the best idea in the world.I can't let myself get bogged down in her life anymore.It's too much.I'm sorry if you think I'm being harsh, but that's just the way it is."
"I understand.But I'm going to stay hopeful."
"Did you tell her about the robbery?"
"No.She's just getting settled.I didn't want to upset her.I didn't want her to feel like she had to come here.I didn't actually want you to feel that way, either."
"I'm glad you told me, and I'm very happy to be here.I will always come when you call."
"You're so sweet, Isabella.Not that you let many people see that side of yourself."
"Sweet doesn't go well with hard-edged journalist."
"You're more than just a hard-edged journalist, and before we go downstairs, I want to ask you about Nick."
"What about him?"she asked warily.
"You didn't tell me what happened when you had dinner.You were cryptic and sounded quite annoyed about the whole thing."
"Nick and I didn't hit it off.But it's not a big deal.We're fine."
"You didn't seem fine when he arrived, and neither did he.You were both stressed out when you saw each other.I don't know why you don't like him.He's such a good person."
"We met at a bad time."As much as she wanted to tell her grandmother what a jerk Nick had been, she knew it would only make her feel bad."Don't worry about it, Grandma."
"I'm not worried, just disappointed.I was hoping you'd hit it off.Maybe you'll get to know him better now and change your mind."
"You have enough on your plate without trying to be a matchmaker."
"I want you to find love, Isabella.You didn't have good examples growing up, but there is something wonderful about finding the right partner."
She had to bite her tongue, because she didn't believe her grandmother had found the right partner, even though she'd stayed married to him for a long time.But there was no point in dredging up that history."I will figure it out on my own.I'm more interested in Lucinda's love life."
Her grandmother gave her a pointed look."I told you that Lucinda and Tomas were not having an affair.There is no love story there."
"But if she was sleeping at his house when her husband was out of town, there would have been gossip and rumors.I can't believe no one thought it looked bad.Knowing how Grandfather treated my mother when she got pregnant without being married, I can't believe he wasn't judging his own mother."
"Paolo spoke to her about it.He was concerned that she was hurting her reputation, but she insisted she and Tomas were friends, artists, and they shared a common purpose.She assured Paolo she wasn't doing anything wrong.And she wasn't interested in what he had to say, either.Lucinda had a mind of her own.I think Paolo asked his father to step in, but Eduardo was always busy with work, and as long as Lucinda was happy and not bothering him, he didn't seem troubled by her relationship with Tomas."