Page 23 of Deadly Trap
"I have everything under control.How is work going these days?Was the move to LA a good one?"
"It was.I needed a fresh start."
"Not just from the job, but from Joel, right?"
"From everything," she said vaguely.
"I know Joel hurt you, because one minute you were sending me photos and texts saying you were having the time of your life, and then it was over."
"Someone always gets hurt when there's a breakup."She opened her email and skimmed the list of messages.
"Did you do the hurting, or did he?"
She looked up at her grandmother."What do you think?"
Gloria gave her a look of disappointment."I'm sorry.Maybe you need to look for a different kind of man."
She had to smile at that."Probably.But I'm happy to be on my own right now.Having a boyfriend isn't a priority.I'm more interested in building my career and creating a new life for myself in LA."
"There hasn't been anyone in Los Angeles who has drawn your interest?"
"Not really."She sent her grandmother a warning look as she saw the gleam reenter her eyes."Don't even say it, Grandma."
"You don't know what I'm thinking."
"I'm sure I do.And your sauce is boiling."
Her grandmother quickly turned back to the stove.
Isabella opened up her search engine, ready to do what she always did when she caught a lead—research.Thinking about the robbery had made her wonder if there had been any other museum break-ins in the last year.After a few minutes of searching, she found an article about a break-in at an art gallery in Firenze six months earlier.Only one painting by David Leoni had been taken.
"Do you know a painter by the name of David Leoni?"she asked.
"Yes.Why?"her grandmother asked as she turned to look at her.
"His painting was stolen from an art gallery in Firenze six months ago.It was the only piece taken.Is he famous?"
"He's had some modest success.I met him years ago at Tomas's studio."
Her pulse jumped at her grandmother's words."Seriously?"
"Yes.He was a very young man then, probably eighteen or nineteen.I remember Tomas telling me David was his protegee.He thought he could help him harness his talent into something amazing."
"And his painting was stolen six months ago, the only one taken out of the gallery.That doesn't seem like a coincidence.Is he still alive?"
"I have no idea."
Isabella opened a new tab and typed in David Leoni, but a million hits came back.The name was too common.She narrowed her search to artist, theft, and the name of the gallery and then discovered a public page about him, which showed his birthdate and his date of death, which was eighteen months ago.
"It looks like he died a little over a year and a half ago."
"That's sad.He was younger than me.How did he die?"
"It doesn't say.But I've just started looking; I'll find more," she said confidently.
"I'm sure you will," her grandmother said, a gleam of admiration in her eyes."Because you don't quit, Isabella."
"I don't."