Page 34 of Deadly Trap
"Run," he yelled, needing Isabella to get out of the room.
She moved, but she didn't head to the door.He didn't know what the hell she was doing until she jumped on the bed and grabbed the lamp off the nightstand.Realizing her intention, he shoved the man away from him, and she hit the attacker over the head.
The man crumbled to his knees, then fell face forward to the ground as he lost consciousness.
"Did I kill him?"Isabella asked breathlessly as she held the base of the lamp in her hands, pieces of ceramic tile and glass littered across the bed.
"No.You just knocked him out."
She got off the bed, dropping the lamp onto the mattress.He picked his phone up from the floor and then turned the light on Isabella.Her brown hair was wild and tangled, her eyes lit up with a mix of emotions."Are you alright?"he asked.
She nodded, putting her hand to her throat, where bruises were already forming."You came just in time."Her lips trembled at that thought.
As sirens rang through the air, he felt a wave of relief."Finally."
"Did you call them?"she asked."I was going to, but I was shaking when I heard that guy coming up the stairs.I dropped my phone."She got down on her knees and peered under the bed as he provided light to help her search."Got it," she said as she grabbed her phone and stood up.
"Why don't you go downstairs and tell the police where we are?I'm going to keep my eye on this guy.He might be the best clue we have."
"There was another man.I heard two people."
"He took off.I was going to go after him, but I heard you yell."
"I tried to knock this man out when he came into the room, but the vase just caught the edge of his face and then he tried to strangle me."She touched her throat again."I couldn't breathe.Everything was going blurry.I thought I was done."
He could see the fear catching up with her adrenaline."You're okay now."
"I know.I just thought I might not be.I'll go downstairs."
As she left, the man stirred, and he flashed the light back on him.His eyes were still closed, the mask on his face was half off, revealing a short beard.He appeared to be in his thirties and was dressed all in black: jeans, sweatshirt, and beanie.This one wasn't wearing the black gloves he'd seen on the other guy.In fact, his fingers were heavily tattooed.Hopefully, once the police identified him, they'd have a good lead.
Isabella entered the room with two armed officers, whose flashlights brightened the room.They quickly handcuffed the man on the ground, who had struggled as soon as he regained consciousness.The police got him onto his feet and took him down the stairs while he and Isabella followed.
When they got to the entry, two more officers were entering the house.One helped take the prisoner out to the car, while the other introduced himself as Inspector Ferrara and motioned them into the living room.As their lights swept across the room, Isabella gasped at the destruction.
"Oh, my God.I can't believe they tore apart the furniture like this," she said.
"It appears they were looking for something," the inspector commented."Do you know what?"
"Probably a painting," he replied."This is my grandmother's home, Anna Caruso.She witnessed a robbery at the Museo dei Capolavori Romani on Thursday.Her family painting was one of the ones stolen."
"My grandmother lives here as well," Isabella put in."Gloria Rossi.Her family painting was also stolen."
"Your names please?"he asked.
"Nick Caruso, Isabella Rossi," he replied."You need to contact Captain Lavezzo at the Carabinieri T.P.C.He's working on the museum robbery, and this break-in will be tied to that."
The officer nodded."Please wait here."
"Our grandmothers would be so upset to see this," Isabella murmured."Thank God they weren't here."
"You shouldn't have been here, either.I shouldn't have left you here alone."
"I would have been fine if I hadn't dropped the damn phone.The police would have been here sooner.I should have done better."
He had a feeling Isabella would always feel like she could have done better.She had high expectations for everyone, including herself."You shouldn't have had to deal with this alone."
"Stop beating yourself up, Nick.It was my choice to stay.And there was no room in the car, anyway.It was either letting them get to the airport on their own or me staying here."