Page 36 of Deadly Trap
"It's not running away.It's being smart and knowing when to retreat."
"Are you leaving?"
"No, but that's different."
"Because you're a man."
"Because I'm a trained FBI agent, and you are not."
"I think it's better if we stick together.It worked well tonight.You had my back, and I had yours," she reminded him.
"Your grandmother would kill me if anything happened to you."
"And Anna would kill me if you got hurt because you were here alone."
"She would not blame you, Isabella."
She held up a weary hand."Please stop trying to make me leave, Nick.I'm in this now, and I'm seeing it through to the end."
"You have no idea how bad that end could be.You survived tonight.Who knows what might happen the next time?"
She swallowed hard, then winced."Maybe I'll change my mind at some point, but not now.If you're staying, I'm staying."
"I hope you won't regret that decision."
"Me, too."
Isabella took a deep breath as Captain Lavezzo entered the room.She wasn't feeling nearly as brave nor as courageous as her recent words to Nick.In fact, there was a part of her that wanted to run to the airport and get out of Italy.But a bigger part of her wanted to stay and find out what was going on.There was a story right in front of her, a dangerous story tied to her family, and she needed to unravel it.
She got to her feet, forcing the shaky feeling aside.She needed to put herself on the same level as Nick and Captain Lavezzo, who were already discussing everything that had happened.While she hadn't yet met the captain, it was clear Nick was telling him who she was and what had happened.
He gave her a sharp look as she joined them, his gaze moving to her neck."I understand you were attacked, Signorina Rossi.Do you need medical attention?"
"No.I'm all right," she said, trying to stand upright on her wobbly legs.
Nick must have read her mind."Why don't we sit down?"he suggested, urging her toward the sofa.
She resumed her seat, while Nick sat next to her, and Lavezzo moved to the opposite side of the coffee table, perching on the edge of the couch.He was dressed in regular clothes today, which made sense since it was late on a Friday night.
"Do you know anything about the men who broke in here?"she asked.
"Not yet.The injured male is receiving medical attention.He has no identification on him, but we should be able to find out who he is in short order.Inspector Ferrara told me what happened, but I'd like to hear it from you as well, Signorina.You were sitting in this room when the men came in the house?"
"Yes.The lights went out.Then I heard someone at the front door, I ran up the stairs and hid in my grandmother's bedroom.One guy came up the stairs; the other one stayed down here."She waved her hand around the destruction in the room, noting for the first time that the heavy drapes on the window had been yanked down and were hanging off the rod."They must have thought there was another painting in the house.They moved big furniture.This wasn't random."
"I don't believe it was.Do you know if there's another painting here?"
"None that were painted by Tomas Caruso or Lucinda Rossi," she replied.
"But perhaps something was hidden away," Lavezzo pressed.
"It certainly seems like someone believes that."
"The two of you should go to a hotel tonight.Or better yet, get on a plane and go home.There's nothing for you to do here."
"We're considering our options," Nick said."I'm very interested in what you can learn from the man at the hospital."
"As am I.This could be a significant break."Captain Lavezzo paused as another man entered the room, then quickly got to his feet as Stefano moved toward them with great concern in his eyes.