Page 38 of Deadly Trap
"No.Have you?"
He sat up a little straighter, then shook his head."We spoke before this all this happened.It was the first time in thirty years."
"That's a long time."
"And yet it seems like barely a day has passed.The years in between faded to nothing.I'm planning to go to Firenze when she is more settled and then we can catch up in person."
"You said you were childhood friends.Were you more than friends?"
A smile crossed his lips, a reflective gleam entering his eyes."When we were young, we imagined ourselves in love with each other."
"Really?So you were boyfriend-girlfriend?"
"I would say so, but your mother didn't like labels.She was a free spirit, and she had her eyes on a life that was not here.She wanted to live in America, to be an artist like her grandmother, to be away from her father, who could be very stern with her."
"She told me she couldn't wait to go away to college.Were you together when she left?Were you hurt when she left Italy?"
"I was very sad.She took a piece of my heart with her."
"Did you ever think about going to the States to see her?"
"I did.We wrote often the first year she was gone, but that slowed down, and eventually I heard she was seeing someone and having a great time, so I knew it was truly over."He paused."I've always had a soft spot in my heart for her.She was my first love.But I was disappointed to hear that she has made some big mistakes in her life."
"She doesn't always make the best decisions."
"Are the two of you close?"
"Not really," she said with a shrug.
"Why is that?"
"Too long of a story."
"My apologies.It is not my business."He paused as they heard hammering."It sounds like Nick found some wood."He got to his feet."I'll help him with that.Take care of yourself, Isabella."
"I always do," she muttered as he left the room.
She waited a few minutes, hearing more hammering, and then a conversation between Nick and Stefano.She probably should listen to what they were talking about.Forcing herself to her feet, she walked into the entryway.But now she heard only hammering and Nick was on the other side of a massive piece of plywood, so she headed up the stairs instead.
After retrieving the boxes from the linen closet, she walked into her grandmother's bedroom.Seeing the broken lamp and vase, the messy bed, the blood on the floor, and the wall she'd been pressed against while fighting for her life sent an overwhelming number of emotions through her.The boxes slipped from her hands just as Nick came through the door.
"Isabella?"he questioned.
She couldn't respond.Her whole body was shaking, and tears were welling up in her eyes.She blinked them back.She wouldn't cry.She never cried.
"Hey," he said softly as he approached her.
She looked into his eyes, biting down on her lip as she tried to keep it together.
"You're okay," he said as he wrapped his arms around her body.
She tensed, trying not to sink into the comfort of his embrace, but she couldn't stop herself.He brought her in close, her head resting against his shoulder, and she slid her arms around him, feeling like he was the only reason she was still on her feet.
A few sobs slipped through her tight lips, but she fought hard to silence them.
"You can cry," Nick whispered.
"I don't want to be weak."She tried to take in as much warmth as she could so that maybe her body would stop shaking.