Page 43 of Deadly Trap
"My grandmother tried to show me how to hem my jeans the summer I lived here.I was terrible at it.But I did like that she tried to teach me something.She really is a sweet person.Submissive and too weak, but also sweet."
"What's your mom like?"
"I don't want to talk about her."
"Then let's talk about something else."
"Like what?"
"Whatever you want."He settled back against the pillow on the lounger."Why don't you turn the light off and get in bed, and we'll just talk until we get tired?"
"Just talk?"she challenged.
He met her gaze."You want to do something else?"
"No.I want to be clear that I don't want to do something else."
"Then we'll talk."
"I thought we were supposed to be sleeping."
"Well, I'm hoping you'll bore me into sleep," he said with a laugh.
She made a face at him and then turned off the light and got into bed."I think you'll be the one boring me.Like any typical man, you probably have lots of stories you want to tell me about how great you are."
"You have a low opinion of men."
"Guilty," she admitted.
"Where does that come from?"
She didn't answer right away, then said, "A therapist told me once it comes from my absent father.But I could throw in my grandfather, my stepfather, another one of my mom's boyfriends, and then the last idiot I dated."
"Who was the last idiot?"he asked, thinking it was a lot easier to talk to her with the darkness surrounding them.
"A lawyer.It turns out he had a lot ofgirlfriendsbesides me."
"That sucks."
"What bothered me most was that I should have seen it earlier.I can read people pretty well, but he was fun and charming, and my friends kept telling me I was too picky."
"You probably are picky."
"Not picky enough, apparently.What about you?Do you date a lot?Are you selective?"
"No, and no.I like to go out, but I don't do it a lot because I'm usually working."
"Do you date when you're undercover?"
"Only if it's part of the job for me to get close to someone."
"What do they call that—the honey trap?"
"You must watch spy movies."
"A few.Do you break hearts when you're living your fake life?"
"I try not to, but sometimes it happens."