Page 45 of Deadly Trap
Isabella woke up Saturday morning, feeling more rested than she would have imagined.A quick glance across the room revealed an empty lounger.Nick was gone.She had a feeling she'd fallen asleep in the middle of something he was saying, but it wasn't because he'd been boring.She'd just finally felt safe enough to sleep, and she had him to thank for that.If he hadn't pushed his way into her room and insisted on talking, she probably would have gone over and over that moment when the breath was being squeezed out of her.
Rolling out of bed, she went into the hall bathroom and took a shower.Then she put on dark-jeans and a pink pullover sweater before making her way downstairs.When she eventually got down to the bottom floor, the smell of bacon drew her immediately into the kitchen.Nick stood at the stove, flipping a piece of bacon in a sizzling frying pan.She could see eggs in another pan, scrambled with bright red tomatoes and green leafy spinach.
"What is all this?"she asked in amazement.
"I'm making us breakfast."
"It looks great.Do I smell coffee, too?"
He tipped his head to the coffeemaker."It might be a little strong."
"I like it strong."
"I figured that," he said with a dry smile.
She felt a little uncomfortable with that smile, with the feeling of intimacy between them.That was a ridiculous thought.They hadn't slept together.Well, not in the same bed, anyway.They hadn't even kissed, but she was feeling an emotional connection to him.Talking to him last night had been easy.And having him in her room had made her feel safe.
She was sure he'd come upstairs because he knew she was too on edge to relax.But he hadn't made a big deal out of it.He hadn't made her feel weak.
As he reached over her to grab two plates from the cupboard, she felt a tingle and a rush of warmth race through her body.It wasn't just an emotional connection she was feeling, it was also a physical attraction, which she'd never thought she'd feel after their first terrible date.But all that seemed far too complicated for the situation they were in.
Filling a mug, she pushed aside her feelings, which was what she always did when it was time to work.She was ready to dive back in and was looking forward to talking to the art historian, but first she would eat.
She took a seat at the table as Nick set down two heaping plates.
"I have to admit, this looks impressive," she said."I guess someone taught you to cook."
"Anna made sure I helped in the kitchen when I was here.She regretted never making my father learn to cook, and she didn't want to make that mistake with me."
She smiled at that."My grandmother tried, too, but I was pretty bad at it.And I never got much better."She scooped up a forkful of eggs and vegetables and found it as delicious as it looked.For several moments, they ate in comfortable silence.
"Do you want more bacon?"Nick asked as she cleaned up her plate."There's another piece on the stove."
"You can have it.I'm stuffed."
"I'm good."
"I haven't had fried bacon in a long time.I usually make it in the microwave."
"I also do that, but my grandmother thought microwaving was one of the seven deadly sins, so since we are here in her kitchen, I thought I'd use her favorite frying pan."
"You really love her, don't you?I can hear it in your voice."
"I do.Speaking of my grandmother, she texted me they arrived safe and sound.The car service met them at the airport.The kitchen was stocked with food.And she's horrified that I have little to no décor in my house.Apparently, she and Gloria are going to do something about that after they've had a long rest."
"So, you can cook, but you can't decorate," she teased.
"I can decorate.I just haven't cared enough to do it."
"Did you tell her what happened here?"
"I told her there was a break-in, but we were all right, nothing was taken, and that the police had a man in custody.I played down the danger.At some point, we'll have to let them know about the destruction in the living room, but maybe when we have some good news to deliver."
She nodded in agreement."They don't need to be worrying about us."
"I asked her if she had heard of Juliette Sabatini.She didn't recognize the name.She said she hadn't seen the license in the box, but she also hadn't really looked through it."
"I can keep researching Juliette today.Oh, and there's something I forgot to mention to you.I was looking up art robberies online yesterday, and there was a robbery six months ago at a gallery in Florence where only one painting was taken.It was by an artist named David Leoni.My grandmother told me that David was one of Tomas's students.That he would have been in his late teens when Tomas died.I think there might be a connection between that robbery and the museum robbery, because once again Tomas is the common denominator."