Page 56 of Deadly Trap
"She's a little much," he said."A little too interested in…"
"Getting to know me?"she asked."You think she's using me.That she's not being genuine?"
"I honestly don't know.But she showed up yesterday.She's super friendly, eager to meet, has a background in art, even if it's focused toward jewelry, and she asks a lot of questions."
"But Joelle is my age.She wouldn't have been waiting a long time to get her hands on the paintings.And she's not a criminal mastermind.She's an ambitious jewelry designer."
"How ambitious?"
She frowned again."Very.But ambition isn't a crime.I'm ambitious, too.So are you."
"Just remember what you said a minute ago—everyone is a suspect."
"I won't forget that.But I still don't think Joelle is involved in any of this."
Isabella was happy when they arrived at the Istituto d'Arte Roma a little after three.She wanted to stop thinking about Joelle having a hidden agenda and focus on the school that tied so many people together.As they walked up to the two-story U-shaped building set on the edge of the Tiber River, they found the front doors to the school wide open, with a sign for a Plein-Air session from one o'clock to four o'clock in the courtyard.
"What's this?"she murmured, pausing by the sign.
"I think that's referring to painting in the open air," Nick replied."And this is good for us.The school is open, and hopefully Louisa Del Vecchio is here."
She followed him up the stairs and into the building.The admissions office was closed, but she could see doors open to the right of them, so they headed in that direction.Along the way, she couldn't help but notice the amazing amount of student artwork plastered on the walls.Every available inch was covered with drawings, paintings, sketches, even some framed floral paintings that mixed paint with dried flowers.Some of it was good, a lot of it was messy, but it was all creative.Generations of budding artists had passed through this school, reminding her again that three generations of Rossi women had walked these hallways.And now it was her turn.It was Nick's turn, too.He was also tied to this school through Anna.
"It's strange to be in a place where our grandmothers met so many years ago," she said."They were only twenty-one and very far from home."
"Probably why they forged such a strong friendship.They found home in each other."
"They did."She felt oddly emotional at his words.It was probably just being in this place where there was so much history.She'd lived her entire life with no family history, and now it was all around her.It was a lot to take in.And time to get outside.
Moving through the open doors, they found themselves in a courtyard, which was surrounded by the school on three sides, while the open side faced a patch of thick trees and a stone wall overlooking the river and the hillside beyond, where a majestic and very old castle added even more appeal to the view.
"This is inspiring," she murmured.She didn't feel like painting, but she felt like writing it all down.She'd never been a journal keeper, which probably surprised some people because she loved to write.But she didn't like to write about herself or her thoughts.This scene she could write.She could bring it to life with words.But she wasn't here to write about the scene, and she needed to get her head back in the game.
"I wonder if that's Louisa," Nick said, interrupting her reverie.He tipped his head to a woman dressed in white jeans and a bright red sweater; her silver hair pulled back in a long braid that fell halfway down her back.She appeared to be in her fifties or sixties.
"Let's find out," she said.
They walked across the courtyard, hovering nearby until the woman finished her conversation.
When she turned around, she gave them a curious look."Ciao," she said.
"Are you Louisa Del Vecchio?"she asked.
"Sí.And you are?"
"Isabella Rossi."She waved her hand in Nick's direction."And this is Nick Caruso."
"Rossi?"Louisa echoed, surprise in her gaze."Are you Sylvie's daughter?"
She was shocked by the question."You knew my mother?"
"We were students here when my grandfather ran the school.You look so much like her."Louisa shook her head in bemusement."I feel like I've gone back in time.Sylvie was one of my good friends.She was a wild child, so beautiful and passionate and extremely talented.Of course, it ran in the family.Her grandmother, Lucinda Rossi was brilliant, too.My grandfather, Frederico, told me that Lucinda used to teach an evening class here that was so popular, it was standing room only."She paused."I'm sorry.I'm rambling."
"It's fine.It's nice to know more about my mother and great-grandmother.Did you ever meet Lucinda?"
"No.I just knew of her through what my grandfather told me about her.He was quite enamored.I think he might have had a crush on her."Louisa paused."How is Sylvie?"