Page 74 of Deadly Trap
"Why would they need a gimmick?"
"Who knows?They're all about their careers.This certainly isn't about love."
"Is that why you're not going, or do they not want you there?"
"They sent me an invitation, which I received right before I got on the plane to come here.There was no personal note, no phone call, just a request for my presence.I'm done fulfilling that request.I think renewing their vows is a joke."
"Why?"she asked, curious to know more about him, about his immediate family.
"Because they're a volatile couple who are always fighting.They've cheated on each other more than once, and they've almost gotten divorced at least three times."
Since she didn't think much of her mother, she could hardly judge him for being angry with his parents.But she wondered if he was misreading the situation.It wasn't her business, she told herself, as she focused on her breakfast.But she couldn't stop thinking about what he'd said.
"What?"Nick asked."I can see the wheels turning in your head, Isabella.If you have something to say, just say it."
She really hated that he could read her mind."I'm hoping that you're wrong about them.Perhaps the vow renewal is about love.They could have rediscovered their commitment to each other."
"I thought you weren't a romantic," he said dryly.
"You're right; I'm not.I don't know why I said that.It probably is a stunt."
"What else could it be?I watched them fight my entire life.My mother would cry.My father would shout.And then they'd make up and do it all over again."
"Some couples thrive on drama."
"They certainly did.My mother used to tell me they were two passionate people, and neither of them meant half of what they said.There was always love beneath it all.If that was love, I didn't want any part of it."
"Do you still feel that way?"
He shrugged."I don't want to spend my life fighting with someone.Growing up in that environment was exhausting.I never knew if they were going to break up, if I would wake up in the morning and find one of them gone.A few times that happened.Sometimes it was my mom, sometimes my dad.That's why coming here, being with my grandparents was so stabilizing.They were the opposite of hot-tempered and overly passionate.They loved each other with kindness and generosity."
"At least you had one good example in your life.I didn't."
"What about your grandmother?"
"She would say she had a wonderful marriage, but it looked cold and rigid to me.My grandfather dominated her.She treated him like a king.He did not reciprocate as far as I could see."She took a sip of her coffee."My mother would say she had a great marriage, too, but she picked a scam artist who got her sent to prison.I am not going to follow in either of their footsteps.I don't even know if I believe in marriage.I haven't seen very many happy couples."
"I've seen some.Several of my fellow agents are exceptionally happy with their partners, their growing families.I have to say, when I am around them, it makes me think about what I want for myself.Obviously, some relationships can work, but finding that right person seems like a long shot."
"I'll say," she muttered.
His gaze narrowed on her face."You look tired this morning.Did you sleep last night?"
"Not much.This old house makes a lot of noises."
"Maybe we should have kept each other company again."
"That might have been even more dangerous," she said, seeing the sly look in his eyes."We need to focus on what we're doing, not get caught up in anything else, Nick."
"Anything else could be fun and distracting."
"And complicated," she pointed out.
"True."He picked up his suddenly buzzing phone."I have a text from Francesca.She can get us into the party tonight, but I'll need to send two thousand euros to cover our tickets."
"That's a lot of money, Nick, for what could be nothing more than a party.Is anyone really going to talk to us about stolen art?"
"No idea, but I think we should go.I can cover the tickets."