Page 14 of Deal Breaker
She blinks rapidly, a pleading look in her eyes as she says, “You’re the nicest, sweetest guy I know.”
I snort out a laugh.“And this is how you repay me?”
Her hair flares as she shakes her head hard.“It’s not what you think.”
“Does it matter?”I rake my fingers through my hair, my heart aching in my chest.“I thought we could have something great together.”
“But you wanted to see Lisa.”
“Yeah, to tell her about you, and that I was falling for you.I wanted to be a stand-up guy and do it face to face.What does any of this matter now?I don’t even know who you are, and now you probably destroyed our team’s reputation, painting them all with the same cruel brush you painted me.Fine, if you wanted to take me down, then take me down.None of the guys deserved it.”I turn my back to her.
“You don’t deserve it either.”
I spin back around.“What?”
I stare at Leeza as Sam clears her throat.“Okay everyone, listen up.”A crowd gathers as Sam raises her voice and starts reading the article, and my heart lodges somewhere in my throat.I knew the paper was out to get dirt on the team, but how could Leeza have done this?How could she have tricked me, even going so far as to sleep with me?I thought she wanted me…wanted us.
“Wait, what did you just say?”I ask Samantha, as her face turns a dark shade of red.Anger flares in her eyes as she crinkles the paper in her hand and glares at Leeza.
“What is this shit?”
“I told the truth,” Leeza says.“The guys on the team might sleep around, but what business is that of ours or anyone else’s?They’re grown men, and they’re not hurting anyone, and as far as I can see, every hook-up is consensual, just like ours was.He’s a good leader on and off his team and is leaving behind a good healthy culture for the rookies.”She catches Dane’s eye, and he nods and smiles.
“This is ridiculous,” Samantha practically shouts.I’m pretty sure steam is going to come out of Sam’s ears as she takes a step toward Leeza.“You know you’re fired, right?”
“I know.”Leeza lifts her chin.“I’m not going to falsify a story because you wanted revenge.If that’s the kind of journalism the Gazette expects from me, I don’t want any part of it.I’ll find work elsewhere.”
Everything inside me softens as Samantha storms out of Storm House.“Nothing to see here,” I say to the crowd, waving them off.As soon as they disperse, I close the distance between Leeza and me and take her hand in mine.
“Thank you.”
“I’m sorry, Rhys.I didn’t want to do the article.Samantha held the chief’s position over my head.”
“You really needed it, huh?”
“Yeah, kind of, but I’ll figure out something else.”
“You don’t have to.”
“What do you mean?”
“My aunt works at the Chronicle, here in the city.I’ll make some calls.”
Her eyes go wide.“I can’t believe you’d do that for me, after…”
I hold my hand out.“Hi, my name is Rhys Taylor, a hockey player who’s been drafted by the Boston Bulls.Want to grab a drink and get to know each other better, maybe even a kiss when the ball drops?”
Her laugh is light and joyous as she takes my hand.“Hi, I’m Leeza Hansen.I’m a budding journalist with morals and I’d love to grab that drink.”
I put my arm around her and she smiles up at me.
“Rhys, I want you to know the girl you chatted with on the app, the words I spoke, that was the real me.”She glances at the crinkled paper on the floor.“The words in my article, that’s me too.If you give me a chance, I’d like to show you through actions who I really am, too.”
“I think I’d love that,” I say, and cup her chin, lifting her lips to mine.
Seconds before our lips touch, she speaks.“You know what I think I’d like?”
Her grin is playful, sexy downright naughty and I’m not sure what she’s about to tell me, I only know I’m going to like it.
“A little bit of cheddar,” she answers.
I laugh and scoop her up, taking her up the stairs to my dorm room.“Forget that, you’re getting a whole lot of cheddar.”