Page 12 of Rage's Bounty
Three days later.
I watched as the old ladies danced crazily on the dance floor. The women were half drunk, and judging by the looks on their men’s faces, they were gonna get some tonight. I glanced over my shoulder and saw a few other brothers from the MC at the bar.
I also clocked a hitman as he wandered through, blending in pretty well. But now well enough.
The asshole’s orders were to wait, then do maximum damage as they all left.
I rose to my feet and walked slowly towards the exit. I didn’t intend to draw attention, but Slick noticed me as his eyes studied up and down my body.
Yeah, I looked good. I knew it.
He knew it, too, and a grin hit his face.
Slick was hot. Freakishly so. Any other time, I would have stayed and played a bit, but I’d a task to finish.
I smiled shyly at him and then leant over a table as if I were saying goodbye to friends before leaving. His eyes followed me, and I could feel his gaze burning into my back. The minute I was out in the air, I faded down an alley and climbed the fire ladder to the top of the building next to the bar.
Quickly, I shrugged out of my dress and heels, pulled on my riding gear, and packed my discarded clothing away. I grabbed the backpack and prepared for battle.
I walked to the edge where I had my rifle set up. Getting comfortable, I settled in for the wait. The hitman come out of the bar an hour later, and I observed as he made his way to the building opposite. I tracked his movements. Every glance and twitch of his fingers.
He moved to the window, where he had his own rifle. A rifle I’d already found earlier.
The asshole crouched down, and I sought him until he was in my crosshairs. Patiently, I waited for him to tense up when he saw his target.
I couldn’t see Rage leave because I was on the same side as them. But I spotted the miniscule movement as he tensed, and I fired before he did.
As usual, I’d waited until the last moment before taking the kill. He might have changed his mind, which meant he wasn’t my business. Instead, his head exploded, and my scope filled with blood. It was a good kill.
Shouts from the street erupted, and I deftly packed up my rifle, then grabbed the single shell casing and climbed down my alternative escape route.
Hurrying to my bike, I halted when I saw Slick sat on it.
Now, this was unexpected.
Slick’s ass was on my seat, and he had one booted foot on the floor and another on my footrest. He merely looked at me. Was he trying to play cute?
I sensed a presence at my back and didn’t hesitate as arms came around me and missed capturing my body. Rotating, I caused my attacker to stagger.
I was vapour.
They wouldn’t contain me so easily, especially not in a messy, unplanned grab.
Annoyed at Slick, I pulled a smoke bomb from my waist and smashed it on the ground. Slick and my attacker coughed and choked as I walked in the direction of my motorbike.
I shoved Slick’s body hard, and he stumbled to the side.
I was astride and roaring out before he took his next breath. Cursing in my head and out loud, I raced down the street, hearing Harleys behind me. I opened the throttle and let her rip.
Skilfully dodging cars and oncoming traffic, I headed towards the outskirts of the city. As soon as I hit the open stretch, I opened the throttle and pulled ahead.
I cut the engine as I headed into a clearing and stopped.
Pipes got closer, and then they, too, passed.
Luckily, the ground was dry and the night blacker than black. I was safely hidden here. A few minutes after, I heard bikes coming back and far slower. I knew they were looking for signs and slowly dragged the bike backwards, away from the road.