Page 15 of Rage's Bounty
I’d already secured the old ladies’ business. Now I was seeking to lock Rage down. If I gained their patronage, I would be sitting very, very comfortably indeed. My garden centre was always busy. I was reasonably priced, unlike the other centre that charged ridiculous amounts, and my items were of high quality.
This order was for Ezra, and I was hoping he’d be pleased with my product.
I was incredibly worried because Ezra would know plants. Obviously, I wasn’t worried about the quality, but I was nervous.
This would give me the extra money I needed to live. What with Mother Dearest and my evil stepmother. Every cent counted. For a few moments, my shoulders slumped as I thought of what waited for me at home, and then I straightened.
Those miserable bastards may put me down, but they won’t keep me so. Should I secure these contracts, things would change. I really hoped to gain Rage’s business.
He shook his head as he pulled into the new garden centre that had opened. Then he nodded in approval at the expansive store and the large greenhouses behind it. They were lined up uniformly, which pleased his slight OCD. An older man sat by the door, warmly greeting customers and offering advice on where to go. The shop itself looked a pleasant building, and Slick was impressed with the quality.
Ezra was delayed at a site. He’d been remodelling the gardens for a large house, and the owner had decided to change the plans. Ezra, who’d already ordered everything, was unhappy, to say the least, and was now listening to the client while trying to hold on to his temper. He’d called Slick and asked him to grab his pickup truck and hit the garden centre because his order was ready.
When Slick had arrived, Ezra had been grinding his teeth as he listened to the middle-aged woman whine. Slick had grinned as Ezra explained the plants had already been bought, and if she wanted to change them up now, she’d still have to pay for thediscarded lot. That wasn’t going down well, and as Slick pulled away, Ezra had been demanding if she remembered the contract she’d signed.
Slick guessed Ezra’s contract would cover any contingencies like this, and the woman was screwed.
She was one of those he couldn’t stand. Fake boobs, Botox, facelift, liposuction, and she clearly thought she was in her early twenties. The saggy skin on her neck gave her away. She was at least fifty, if not sixty. Slick hated false women. Nothing worse in his box.
But the bitch was giving it her all as she had thrust her massive bosom under Ezra’s nose on multiple occasions, which he’d studiously ignored it.
The woman would be damn lucky if Ezra deigned to notice her. Not that he would. Ezra had a well-built internal sense of grabby hands, and his customer certainly had them. Slick knew her type. Bored housewife whose husband was banging a chick half her age. She wanted a revenge bang to upset the man, and then Ezra would be dirt under her shoes.
Rage was too aware of bitches like her and avoided them at all costs, which made Slick smirk as he recalled Vivie was a duchess. Yeah, real-life nobility—and nothing like that poor excuse of a female Ezra was dealing with.
Slick swung down from the pickup and approached the guy.
“Hey, I’m looking for Summer Ward,” he announced.
“Here for the order?” asked the older man. Slick noted how one of his legs seemed stiff as it stretched in front of him.
“Yeah, Ezra sent me to collect it for him.”
“I’ll call Summer.”
Slick spotted a name badge with Brian on it as the man pulled a walkie-talkie from his belt and radioed through. A crackle broke the silence, followed by a woman’s voice answering.
“Summer’s on her way,” Brian offered, turning back to Slick.
Slick nodded and looked curiously around. There were a hell of a lot of shoppers present. “Busy place,” he stated.
“Summer has a talent I’ve not seen before. She truly does have a green finger, but even better, she knows how to display them. Sticking plants on a shelf is boring. Summer created little gardens throughout the shop so everyone can see what the flowers would look like. People enjoy coming and viewing them, and then Summer will help them pick what colours they want. We have the products on shelves outside each garden, so they’re easy to collect,” Brian explained.
“Clever marketing idea,” Slick said, nodding.
Now even more curious, he felt the urge to investigate. But he spotted a woman hurrying towards them. Hair the colour of wheat in the warm sun was pulled back in a ponytail that hung over her shoulder and hit her waist. Blue eyes similar to a summer’s sky and a pert little nose caught his attention. Slick barely hid a smile as he spied freckles, and as she smiled, he forgot to breathe. She had dimples, real bona fide dimples.
Slick’s idea of his perfect woman was slowing to a stop in front of him with a quizzical expression. She wasn’t tall, about five foot five, and she was slender, but Slick could envision the curves under the long gypsy skirt and blouse she wore. His fingers itched to touch her skin to see if it was as warm and soft as it looked.
“Hi, Ezra?” Summer asked, and Slick’s cock twitched. Holy fuck, this was his ideal woman. Her voice was soft and melodious, and Slick wondered if she sang.
Summer frowned, and Slick found her even cuter. He began berating his cock as it wanted her to notice it.
“Sorry?” Summer replied, and Slick heard her confusion.