Page 35 of Rage's Bounty
Mom and I had been fighting. She’d shoved me in the temper, and I’d hit my head on the wall, blacking out. When I came around, Mom had taken my credit card and left me to go shopping. It had been then that I began making my plans to get the two witches out of my life. What parent does that to you? Mother had showed no remorse as she admitted running up three thousand dollars’ worth of debt and leaving me in a crumpled heap.
That wasn’t a parent.
Later on, when she and Marianne had passed out, I took most of the clothes back and received a refund, explaining my mother had stolen my card. The shop assistant had been appalled and reluctant at first until I agreed to call the police and report the theft. Which I did. But outside, I told the officer my mom was ill, and I didn’t want to press charges, and Mom got away with it again.
Since then, I had cancelled all cards apart from one. The business card stayed at the garden centre, so Mom and Marianne couldn’t spend the profits. Whatever. Luckily, UncleBrian had stepped up that day, signed the contracts on my behalf, and talked to Casey and Aurora. We’d spoken over the phone but not met in person until now.
“We love your stuff. Absolutely adore it,” Casey said, smiling and interrupting my thoughts.
“I’m glad. Everything I send out is grown by my own hand.”
“Well, we came to be nosey, but I also wanted to talk business,” Aurora admitted with a wriggle.
A pang hit my gut. Were they going to tell me they didn’t need me anymore?
“There are some ingredients that I use that you do not grow. I was wondering, if we paid you, would you be able to include them for us?” Aurora looked worried.
“Of course!” I exclaimed happily. More business!
“Here’s a list. Growing some of these may be challenging, but I believe you can manage it. You seem to have an affinity with plants,” Aurora said, handing over a piece of paper.
I scanned the list. Aurora wasn’t wrong. Some of these were downright difficult, but I could handle them.
“Could you put how much weight of each you use a month next to each item, please? That way, I can ensure I have enough to cover you through the year.”
“Sure,” Aurora said, rummaging in her bag for a pen.
“Aurora’s best at doing that. My order is on the flip side, and I have already added my weights.” Casey grinned.
“At least you’re honest,” I replied.
“Amongst the old ladies, you will find honesty is a must. You’ll fit right in,” Casey teased as I blushed. “So Slick, is he coming for lunch today?”
“Oh boy!” I murmured as I saw the light in Casey’s eyes.
Clearly, Casey loved gossip!
“Tell me about Aurora, please?” I said as I leaned back against Slick’s chest. We’d eaten half an hour ago and were just relaxing on the picnic blanket.
“What’s to say? That woman has some serious woo-woo shit going on?” Slick rumbled.
“She’s for real?” I pressed.
“Yeah. I don’t believe in stuff like that, but Aurora is the real deal. She’s had several visions that have come true. And it’s impossible she could have imagined them. The one worrying us at the moment is she keeps saying she sees lava running through the streets of RC. Yet we don’t have an active volcano around.”
“How strange. Could it be a metaphor?” I curiously trailed a hand up and down the arm he had wrapped around me to keep me close.
“I think so. But Aurora’s visions are usually real images. Like once, she saw vehicles falling from a sky. When the bridge collapsed, cars did fall,” Slick explained.
“Oh wow, so when she says she sees lava, she means lava?”
“Yes, which is confusing all of us. She says it’s coming soon, so we’ve been checking our safety equipment and everything. All of Rage is enrolled as Search and Rescue. We get a few callouts a year,” Slick stated.
“All the brothers?” I inquired, surprised.
“Yeah, it’s something Drake insisted on. Even candidates and prospects are told they’ll need to join,” Slick replied.