Page 45 of Rage's Bounty
With a squeal of brakes, the ambulance pulled up outside the emergency bay, and nurses rushed to take Uncle Brian away. I was standing there lost and forlorn when one of the paramedics approached and explained how to book Uncle Brian in and where to wait. Kindly, he led me into the hospital and took me straight to a receptionist. I’d left the clothing the fireman had given me behind, and my dress was creased from being shoved into the trousers. But I didn’t care about my appearance, even though I was getting sideways glances from other visitors.
Once I had booked Uncle Brian in, I sat nervously on a chair and waited for someone to update me. There was nobody to call. Uncle Brian and I only had each other. The two witches wouldn’t give a damn, either.
A female doctor softly asked, “Summer?”
I glanced up at her. “Yes?”
“Hi, I’m Lynda. I was called in. The hospital thought Mr Chambers might have burns, but he is okay,” she said, sitting.
“Sorry?” I muttered, confused.
“I’m the premier burns specialist in South Dakota. I have my own clinic, but Mr Chambers was brought here because of other injuries. They asked me to attend in case he’d been burned. He’s not, but they are working on the head injury right now, and he seems to have some broken bones,” Lynda replied.
“Oh, thank you for coming,” I whispered as I stared at the doors that Uncle Brian had disappeared behind.
“I’m also Wild’s wife from Rage MC. Is there anyone I can call?” Lynda asked gently.
“No. I’m alone apart from Uncle Brian.”
“Wild is contacting Slick. I thought you might like him with you,” Lynda stated, and I saw the curiosity in her eyes.
“Yes, you are dating him, aren’t you? That’s the gossip in the clubhouse. Everyone is delighted Slick’s finally found his old lady.” Lyna had uncertainty on her face, as if she was afraid of putting her foot in it.
“Oh, we’ve been dating.”
“Well, Wild is hunting Slick down. He’ll be here soon. Nobody should sit here alone,” Lynda responded, patting my hand.
“Why are you calling Slick?”
“Because, honey, he’d want to know about this,” Lynda answered, looking puzzled.
“Summer, you don’t have a lot of support, do you?”
“Not really, just Uncle Brian.”
“That’s why. Rage MC is an enormous family. When one of us is hurt, or in trouble, we all gather round. Now, it might be overwhelming to have everyone descend on you, but Slick needs to know you’re here and upset. Then he can provide comfort,” Lynda explained. “And while we’re waiting on Slick, I’ll keep you company.”
I considered Lynda’s offer briefly.
“That would be nice,” I finally replied.
When Slick arrived an hour later, I was white as a ghost and holding on to Lynda tightly. A fireman had come, a man called Chief Hawthorne, and he was explaining about what they’d discovered at the garden centre so far.
Slick rushed over as I swayed in my chair. “Summer, are you okay?” he demanded, sitting down and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“Arson,” I muttered, staring at Chief Hawthorne.
“What was? Bill?” Slick asked the fireman.
“Sorry to see you under these circumstances. The fire is out. But it was arson; the evidence is already telling. There are four flashpoints and a heavy smell of gasoline. Someone wanted that centre to burn. From what we’re seeing, we think Brian Chambers interrupted the arsonist, which is why he got a beating,” Bill Hawthorne responded.
“Is there an update on Uncle Brian?” Slick questioned.