Page 59 of Rage's Bounty
“She’s at this address,” Mac replied, rattling it off.
“Who lives there?” Slick snapped. That wasn’t her home address.
“A Brian Chambers.”
“Summer’s uncle. Thanks, brother,” Slick said and cut the call.
No doubt Mac would wait for him later and give payback for his rudeness. Slick felt like a noose was tightening around his throat. He had to speak to Summer, and now.
As he arrived at the property, Slick caught sight of Summer getting into her car. She drove out of the driveway and moved away. Slick throttled his motorbike and pulled up alongside her. The look on her face nearly killed him as he waved for her to pull over.
Summer shook her head, but Slick followed her for a few more minutes, and finally, Summer came to a stop.
Slick was off his bike and racing toward her the second he was able to.
His hand hit the door handle, and he found it was locked. Slick’s eyes met hers through the window, and the pain and humiliation in them slayed him again.
She wound down the window a little bit.
“Open the door, baby.”
“We’ve nothing to say.”
“Please, open the door,” Slick begged.
“Slick, you’ve moved on. I don’t know what this is about, but leave me alone. I thought there was more to us than what there was. That was my mistake. Please, I am not going to harass you or anything.”
“Summer, God damn it, I love you.” The words burst free from Slick as the panic rose in his gut.
“No, you do not. I’m a mouse, nothing like the women in your past. Slick, I read more into it than I should have. It’s okay, I should have realised I was just a diversion to you,” Summer whispered brokenly.
Slick cursed as her eyes filled with tears.
“For those two weeks, you were my world. I didn’t break it off with you because of anything you did. It was me. Brian was attacked by Venomous Fangs. Your greenhouse was burnt because we’re at war with them. Summer, I was trying to protect you. You’re not used to the ugliness of my life. To expose you to that would have scarred you, Fangs have already hit out at you. So, protecting you and give you a beautiful life, I broke up with you because it’s what I thought was best. I love you. I fell in love with you the first time we met.”
“But you kissed that woman,” Summer argued.
Slick heard the pain in her voice, and he wanted to hold her and soothe it away. But Summer was not opening that fuckin’ door and was using it as a shield between them.
“I did kiss her, baby. The one thing I promised you is I would never lie. I love you with everything I have. With you, I see myfuture, and it’s perfect. But that’s selfish of me because I’ve got darkness inside me, and I don’t want it to affect you.
“Irish, she is dark, too. She understands my cruel side, as she has one of her own. I’m very attracted to her and have feelings for her as well. But it’s you I love, and I tried to stay away. I did, baby, but it’s killing me. Each day, I wake up, and your smile is the first thing I see before I even open my eyes. Laughing on the picnic blanket with you is the last thing I see when I go to sleep.”
“How sweet,” Summer murmured, not bothering to hide her bitterness.
“Summer, I tried to stay away and keep you safe. I’d burn the world if something happened to you. And I honestly didn’t want you exposed to this dark side of my life and rage. You are sunshine and beauty, and I am a fuckin’ greedy asshole who wants to lap that up and keep it to myself.
“I’ve been going out of my damn mind thinking of you moving on and finding somebody else. Oh, I’d still watch over you. You’re like ambrosia to me. The forbidden fruit. I told myself that I would hide in the shadows, ensure you were safe and happy. If the man you eventually chose hurt you, I’d bury him. It’s been driving me to drink to think of you having the future I want with you, but with someone else.”
Slick let everything out and hoped he’d reach her. He knew she was hurting and in pain, and he wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her and promise her forever.
“You kissed that woman, Irish, wasn’t it? And it wasn’t the first time,” Summer accused.
Slick sensed the blood drain from his face.
“Said I wouldn’t lie. I slept with Irish after we broke up. I was angry and hurting, and she gave me what I wanted.”