Page 77 of Rage's Bounty
“Honestly, Summer, I’m not the type of person to settle down in a house with a family. That doesn’t mean I don’t want one. I do, but I’m unwilling to sacrifice what I need for what I want. Because that’s denying who I am. And I like who and what I became. It may be a different path from what I envisioned, but that’s cool. I can handle that. But if I let Slick go, I’ll grow old alone because that is who I am. This is me being honest and open, and I know it’s probably not what you want to hear.
“You wish to hear that I’m the other woman, the slut who broke up your relationship. That’s a lie. We both fell in love with the same man, and Slick and I fought against our feelings because of you. Hurting you is something neither of us wanted. But you’ve got a big heart, and I think you can make this threesome work. Hell, I don’t even want to marry Slick. Honestly, I’d like you to, and I’d love to stand by your side when you wed.
“Slick needs us both, and at the moment, he’s tearing himself apart. Deep down, he knows he can’t be with just one or the other of us. Slick’s trying to reconcile losing a part of himself so he can be everything you need. And I don’t doubt you’d win out because you can offer him more. You can give Slick the life he dreamed of, but you can’t match my darkness, nor should you try. When he’s beaten the shit out of someone for whatever crime they committed, he won’t come and tell you about it.
“Slick won’t want to dim the light and the love you have within you. So he’ll swallow that up, and sooner or later, it will begin to eat him. The fact he would need to hide this from you would begin to turn into self-recrimination, and Slick would begin to hate himself. Because all he’d see is the beauty that you bring, and he’s dwelling in ugliness. Turn that on its head, and with me, Slick would lose the joy in life he had and just become asoulless monster. Slick needs what we both bring to the table. If you can find a way, Summer, we could make a family,” I said and heaved a huge sigh.
I had got everything off my chest that I meant to, and now it depended on Summer. Could she share a life with another woman? Or was she too set in her ways, too good for both of us?
I listened with disbelief as Irish opened her heart to me. In the end, my heart was pained for her because she was lonely, and I understood loneliness. And I could understand and see what she meant about Slick. She and I both suited his personality in different ways, and neither of us was one hundred per cent compatible with him. Together, we could be, though.
I gave myself a mental shake. Was I really considering this? It would be crazy and certainly lead to gossip and judgment. Hadn’t I had enough of that my entire life? There was no way I wanted to be the focus of pointing fingers and whispering behind hands. Then again, after my mothers, I could handle anything. And speaking of the devil, I looked up as the door opened and both of them walked in.
A groan left my mouth before I realised, and I glanced at Irish even as Marianne pranced forward.
“I need your credit card,” she announced, ignoring Irish.
“There’s a new pair of boots I want,” she said.
“And I’ve seen a new handbag I must have,” Mom added.
“And I told you two just before Uncle Brian died, I am cutting you off. If you want things like that, go and get a job,” I stated and folded my arms.
Marianne’s eyes narrowed as she glared at me.
“After everything we’ve done for you, listen here, you little bitch. I want those boots, and you’re going to buy them for me. You’ve no need for money. What life do you have? Jeez, even that biker cheated on you, like we said. Just because you’ve got no hope and no life, that doesn’t mean we have to suffer,” Marianne snarled.
“Then get a job,” I replied calmly, but inside I was shaking.
Mom and Marianne both knew I hated confrontations, especially with an audience. And they were both going to act up.
“Why? Good lord, child, why do you think I had you? Children are meant to look after their parents, and I want that handbag. So just give us the card. You know you’re going to anyway,” Mom said.
“No, I’m not. I told you two to get a job and that the free ride was over. I work hard for my money, and I have things I want to do. The two of you have dragged me down enough.” My voice shook as I spoke, and I knew they heard it.
“Like what? Pine in your bedroom for that biker? He was never going to hang around. Why would he want such a mouse as you? From what we’ve heard, the woman he cheated on you with is stunning. What on earth made you think you could keep a man like that interested in you? You’re boring, mousy, forgettable, and, quite frankly, I imagine you’re vanilla in bed. A man like Slick needs variety and danger; he doesn’t want you,” Marianne snarled.
Each word struck and jabbed deep into my heart. My fragile ego collapsed as it always did, and their words were poison to my self-confidence. But I still wouldn’t back down.
“I don’t care what you think of me—” I began, and Mom cut me off with a wave of her hand.
“Clearly. I’ve told you to dress up, and here you are in pants and a baggy top. No make-up, hair scraped back. You look homely. The only husband you’ll ever get is a fat dumpling who’sas desperate as you. Your sex will be as boring as your life, and you’ll produce two entirely forgettable children. I’ll never understand how I ended up with you as my daughter,” Mom snapped.
Her disappointment slapped me in the face as it always did, but I was done with it. Uncle Brian’s death had rocked me and lowered my defences, but I still had that stubbornness I got from Dad, and it raised its head now.
“And considering what you think of me, why on earth should I give you any more money? Mom, I’m over and done trying to earn your love and approval. Uncle Brian died, and you didn’t even wait a day before demanding to see his will. Why you thought he might have left you anything is beyond me. But I’m done, and I meant it four weeks ago. Go get a job and find somewhere else to live. I want you gone and out of my life. Don’t force me to evict you because I will.
“As I said last time, all you’ve ever done is criticise and humiliate me for not being some airheaded brat. I’ll never be as vain or as narcissistic as you, and I don’t want to be. And as for you, Marianne, I told you, I owe you nothing. You’re not even blood-related. And I’m done, honestly, done being your purse and slave. Get out of my life and stay the hell out,” I snapped.
Mom stared at me in disbelief while Marianne smirked.
“Think the mouse is showing her claws. Well, I’m going to take your card. What are you doing to do to stop me?” Marianne said as she reached for my purse.
A hand snapped out and grabbed her wrist tightly.