Page 80 of Rage's Bounty
“We’ll scream,” Carrie threatened.
“Won’t be for long when I slit your throat,” Slick promised in return and was amused when Carrie sat her ass down.
“Summer served you papers to leave. Now I know you cunts had no plans to go peacefully, but you’re gonna. See, I found out some shit that I won’t hesitate to use, and I’ll destroy you both,” Slick stated.
He turned to Carrie.
“Porn star, stripper, and part-time whore. I got the photos, statements, and evidence. I’m also aware of the orgies you did in the past. Acting like butter wouldn’t fuckin’ melt, and you’re scum. All of that will come to light unless you leave quietly. Discovered the two hundred and fifty thousand you had in the bank. I state had. I took two hundred back to give to Summer for all the shit you put her through. Take the fifty-k I left you with, get your ass up those stairs and pack because you fucked with the wrong girl.
“Warned you to lay off Summer, and you didn’t. Now it’s time to suck it up. You have two choices. Pack and leave today, and never contact Summer again. Or stay and fight a losing battle, and all that shit I have on you goes live on the internet and will be posted to the cops. Chose, or I’ll decide for you,” Slick drawled. It was obvious he couldn’t care less what Carrie did.
Within seconds, she was scurrying her skanky ass up the stairs.
“Do I get the same offer?” Marianne smirked.
“Nah, see, I’m aware you killed Summer’s dad. That you paid someone to make it look like an accident. You dumb fuckin’ bitch, there’s always a paper trail. And I know you were behind that racking falling on Summer. Like the thick twat you are, you used the same guy, and Rage caught him. He squealed like the rat he was before he died,” Slick said calmly.
“What do you want?” Marianne asked, paling. “Cash?”
“No. You made my girl’s life a misery for fuckin’ years. Tortured and taunted Summer, and when her daddy passed, you made Summer even more miserable. You tried to break her, but she survived. My woman has her daddy’s backbone of steel. I’m betting you believed you’d get the money from her daddy, but he saw through you and left everything to Summer.
“So you hitched your wagon to Carrie. And plotted how to kill Summer to get what you thought you deserved. Makes you lower than an animal in my eyes. And there’s only one way to deal with scum,” Slick snarled.
Ace stepped forward and jabbed a needle into Marianne’s neck, and her eyes began fluttering.
“What have you done?” she gasped.
“Killed a rat and a murdering bitch. I took justice for Summer’s dad.”
“You can’t just kill someone,” Marianne whispered as her eyes fluttered closed.
“Watch me,” Slick replied grimly. He turned to Ace. “You get what I wanted?”
“Yeah, but that’s a grim way to go,” Ace said, not that he appeared bothered.
“Something tells me the bitch deserves it.”
“Okay, I’ll take her. Hunter and Jett are here to remove every trace of her from the house,” Ace offered.
Scurrying footsteps echoed, and then Summer’s mom flew down the small drive. She didn’t even check on Marianne. Acescooped Marianne up and carried her out back to where Apache waited with a van. Slick followed behind to make sure nobody spotted them.
“Let’s go, Dad,” Ace said, throwing Marianne in the rear and climbing in the front.
“Slick has a nasty sense of justice,” Apache commented as he waved at Slick.
Slick grinned as he heard Apache’s words. He saluted back and watched them disappear.
“Clear everything out in the two rooms I showed you. Don’t get rid of anything until I know they’ve not stolen something from Summer. Once I give you the okay, get the prospects to burn it,” Slick stated.
“Okay, brother, lucky asshole.” Hunter grinned.
“Says the one married to a movie star,” Slick taunted, and Hunter shook his head.
“Mina’s a best-selling author now. It’s like a war when she and Lyndsey have a book coming out together,” Hunter replied, rubbing his chin.
Luckily, that didn’t happen often as the two women scheduled their releases ahead. But the few times it had happened, it had been a bitch fight to end all bitch fights.
“Going to get my sweet girl,” Slick said with a grin.