Page 32 of Havoc
Digging my heel into the ground, I bucked my hips as hard as I could. I managed to lift us both up slightly, but couldn’t get enough leverage to flip us.
“Fight harder, Havoc. It makes me hard,” Nico murmured into my ear. His low, gravelly voice turned my insides molten.
Suddenly, his weight was off me and he pulled me up to my feet. My head spun with his quick movements and the fact that I was now free with only him between me and the door.
“Go ahead,” he said. “Fight me.”
He was insane. I wasn’t an idiot. I had no hope of winning a fight with him. I wasn’t a tiny woman, but he wasn’t a small man either. He wasn’t quite as big as Luca, but that didn’t mean I wanted to fight him. He wasn’t giving me much of a choice, though.
I rushed him and saw the spark of excitement in his eyes as I moved in close. Before he could grab me I ducked and landed a punch directly into his groin. His breath exploded out on a pained groan, but my hit didn’t slow him down. He grabbed me and jerked me against him. I used my elbow and brought it up into the underside of his jaw. It throbbed wildly at the impact. I’m pretty sure I hurt myself more than him because he spun me and locked one thick arm around my chest, just under my breasts, immobilizing me.
“Mmmm that’s fucking hot,” he said and bit down on my shoulder, hard.
I gasped as the pain and pleasure blurred together. What the hell was wrong with this guy? How was getting hit in the dick hot? Sure, it’d been a dirty move, but the first thing they taught us in the academy was fight to win. If you played fair against someone trying to kill you, you’d end up dead.
It was starting to become clear to me that Nico wasn’t going to kill me. At least, not right away, and I wasn’t sure I had the strength to hold out against him for long. Not with the way my body lit up like the Fourth of July whenever he touched me. The beast inside purred as his free hand cupped my breast.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” I hissed at him, trying to force my body to obey. Neither listened to me.
His head cocked as he tilted his face so he could search mine. “You don’t want me to touch you?”
I shook my head, ignoring the inner voice that called me a liar.
“See, I don’t believe you.”
“What am I going to find when I touch that pretty little pussy, Havoc?” He scraped his teeth along the side of my throat and I couldn’t stop the shudder that blasted through my system at the action. His dark chuckle had me grinding my teeth together.
“Will you be wet?”
I didn’t bother to answer him.
He walked us forward and no amount of digging my heels into the carpet slowed him down. He kept us moving until my thighs bumped into the small desk in the corner. His free hand gripped the back of my neck and he shoved me down until I was bent over his desk, my cheek resting on the cool wood.
I struggled, but he kept me pinned in place with one hand. Fuck, he was strong and I hated being reminded that I couldn’t best him. If I had a weapon it would help even the balance of power, but I had nothing and he had total control.
He was standing behind me, his cock pressing against my ass. With his other hand he reached around and flicked open the button of my jeans. The slide of the zipper sounded loud in the room. It didn’t cover the sound of my gasp, though, when he jerked my pants down. They were tight enough they dragged my panties with them when they went.
Closing my eyes, I fought against my own arousal. This shouldn’t be turning me on. I never would’ve thought that I liked giving up control in the bedroom. Tony and I were partners, we’d shared giving and receiving pleasure equally. I didn’t need to be told that Nico would take whatever he wanted and give only what he felt like.
I bit my lips hard enough to draw blood when his fingers slicked over my wet pussy. I couldn’t hold back my moan when his thumb found my clit and circled in a maddeningly slow tempo.
This is wrong, that tiny voice in my head tried to appeal to me. My body and the new me shut her down efficiently. I could feel my arousal coating the insides of my thighs.
Nico’s hand flexed on the back of my neck, digging in and shoving me harder against the desk. He growled as he parted me and thrust a finger inside my body. I felt my pussy spasm and clench down on the digit.
If you’d asked me a month ago, I’d have sworn I’d die alone and never feel another man touch me so intimately. I had zero desire to ever replace what I had. Even the thought made tears form in my eyes. My body didn’t give a shit, though. Nico was hitting all the right places as he finger-fucked me against the desk.
He leaned down and sucked on the lobe of my ear, then bit it. The sting sent ripples of pleasure zinging through my body. My nipples tightened further and rubbed against the fabric of my shirt and wood beneath me. Heat was unfurling in my belly, and the sound his hand was making as he worked it inside of me told me I was dripping wet. Nico added a second finger and I sucked in a breath. I held it while he strummed my body, until it burst out of me. I couldn’t keep from panting for him.
That little bit of the old me that still existed was fighting, she made me not want to come, but between Nico and the Beast, my body was betraying me.
“I’m not stopping until you cream all over my fingers,” he breathed into my ear.
Was he a fucking psychic?
He leaned his weight against my hips and I groaned as his dick pressed harder against me. Satisfied that I wasn’t going anywhere, he released his grip on my neck and reached around with his other hand and started working my clit.