Page 48 of Havoc
I could tell she’d been surprised at how much she’d told me, as well. It was frustrating that I was competing with a dead man for her affection. She hadn’t been mine for long, but I wanted everything she could give. Being with me was plaguing her and she didn’t need to admit it for me to know it was because of the man she’d lost. I understood. In my own way I’d loved and been devoted to Maria. Her loss hit me hard, but I was a realist and knew I couldn’t dwell on the grief and pain forever.
It would take time for Havoc to come to the same realization, and I’d made it harder by forcing her into a relationship with me before she was ready. I was a patient man, but something about her made my control go out the window. I knew I was taking a harder road with her by taking her and keeping her here with me. I was just banking on it paying off in the end.
“We’re going after Ted tonight.”
Her eyes widened before I saw a vicious pleasure fill them. She was as bloodthirsty for revenge as I was. It’s why she agreed to my terms.
“Follow me,” I told her.
She set her book aside and stood up. Quietly, she followed me outside and around to the back of the house. “Where are we going?” she finally asked, as we walked away from the house.
“You’ll see.” I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She tipped her face up to the sun and took in large gulps of the fresh air. She was beautiful and being outside suited her. I knew there was only so long I’d be able to keep her cooped up indoors before she went insane. I hoped to be able to give her more freedom soon. She needed to prove herself to me first. I wanted to believe that she’d stick to her word and wouldn’t attempt an escape again, but I didn’t trust easily.
We came to a building and I held the door open for her. She shot me a quizzical look before she stepped inside. I watched the pleasure spread over her face as she looked around.
“You have your own firing range.” It wasn’t a question and there was humor in her voice. Her eyes met mine and I saw a devious spark there.
“I do.”
“And a fucking stacked armory,” she mumbled as she walked into a side room where all of the weapons were stored. We had more in the house, but the majority of my weapons were out here. My men could check them in and out during the day. They each had a handgun to keep on them at all times, I couldn’t have them unarmed and vulnerable. But we needed a place to store and practice with the heavy fire power needed for big jobs. Here they could pick up various rifles and shotguns that they might need for said jobs.
Leo looked up when she walked in, and as soon as he saw me he set down the Playboy he’d been looking at and let the chair he’d been rocked back in drop down to the ground. “Boss,” he said in acknowledgment, but he was eyeing Havoc with a curious gaze.
I ignored the magazine and greeted him, then went to select the weapons I wanted her to try. I chose two rifles, two pistols, and a shotgun. I pointed out some ear protection and she grabbed those while Leo followed us with the ammunition we’d need.
Setting everything up, I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She didn’t look nervous to be in here. It was a good sign. I figured being a former cop she’d be at home in a shooting range. I stepped back and handed her a rifle. Motioning to the target at the end of the range, I waited.
Havoc’s brows went up. “You want me to shoot?”
“I want to see how rusty you are.”
She scoffed at that. “No problem.” She stepped up to the bench that indicated the firing line and lined up the iron sights—I hadn’t grabbed a rifle with a scope for a reason. I wanted to see where she was at on a basic level. Scopes made shooting long distances easier. I didn’t want it to be easier yet.
I put my protection over my ears and waited with arms crossed while Havoc went through her process. She fired three shots in succession and I grabbed the binoculars next to me. All three holes were in the center of the target. We were one hundred feet out, and were using scaled targets. This allowed us to practice with targets inside that would have the same silhouette as if they were one hundred yards out. I felt pride seep through me. She hadn’t let her shooting skills fall by the wayside.
She unloaded the magazine and I knew I wouldn’t need to worry about her shooting skills. I let her play with the rest of the weapons because she was eyeing them greedily once she ran the rifle in her hands dry. The smile she gave me had my dick hardening. If we were in here alone I’d consider other activities. I glanced over my shoulder and found Leo standing there, mouth wide open.
Neither his wife, nor my late wife would have been able to load a gun, let alone shoot one with the kind of precision Havoc had. I could see that Leo was impressed. It had pride and irritation mixing inside of me. I loved that Havoc was strong and could take care of herself—not that she’d ever have to with me around—but I also didn’t like the way Leo was watching her.
He glanced at me and caught the look on my face. He quickly turned and went back into the armory. My Capo wasn’t a stupid man. It was well known how possessive I was. I hadn’t minded him watching for a moment, but that was long enough.
Once Havoc was done, I brought the weapons back to Leo and grabbed her hand. Pulling her along with me, I started back to the house again.
“Wait, I should clean those-”
“Leo will take care of it,” I said, interrupting her. The smell of gunpowder was heavy in my nose and I breathed deep. I loved that scent. It was almost as intoxicating as Havoc was. It’d taken every ounce of self-control I possessed not to toss her up against the wall of the range and bury myself inside of her. Watching her manhandle those weapons made me think about all the things I wanted to do to her body. I never would have guessed that watching a woman shoot and fight could be so sexy.
We walked into the house again and she shot me a questioning look. I tightened my hand on hers and walked her down the hallway. She sucked in a breath when we entered my private gym. I had another in a detached building outside for the men to use if they wished, but this one was only for me—and now her. It had a weight area, treadmills, and in the middle mats were spread out for sparring.
I dropped her hand, shut the door, and started taking off my suit jacket. Her eyes dropped down to watch and satisfaction filled me. I tossed the coat across a bench and began unbuttoning my shirt.
“What are you doing?” Her voice was filled with both amusement and arousal.
“We’re going to spar.” I wanted to urge her Beast to the surface so we could play.
She blinked at me then glanced down at her clothes. “I can’t fight in jeans and you’re in a suit.”
“Aren’t jeans what you wear when you go hunting for the cartel? What were you wearing when you killed those three men?”