Page 51 of Havoc
Nico squatted in front of me and forced my chin up so I’d meet his eyes. “It’s just in case you need it,” he murmured. Then he handed me the bag I used in my previous killings.
I sucked in a breath and opened it. There was my trusty hammer and knife along with everything else that I’d packed away. I let out a little sigh of relief at having my stuff again. I wasn’t sure why I’d become attached to them, but it felt good to know I was going into a job with them.
Attaching the holster to the waistband of my jeans, I adjusted it on my side until it was in a comfortable, familiar position. Nico was in the closet, changing into regular clothes. I licked my lips and had to fight the urge to go in there. The man had a spectacular body. It was all dense muscle and large enough to make a bigger girl like me feel almost small and feminine.
I kept my ass planted firmly on the bed. I didn’t want to distract him and miss the opportunity to go after my next mark. The beast inside me was snarling with impatience. My adrenaline was already through the roof and I was looking forward to this. Somewhere inside me I worried that this need was going to become a habit and I wouldn’t be able to stop once that list was blank. Could a person just become a serial killer for no reason? What I was doing made sense to me, it was vengeance. If I couldn’t stop, then it would morph into something completely different.
Shoving the thoughts away when Nico stepped out of the closet, I let my gaze roam over him. I buried the voice of the woman I used to be behind mental barriers. There was no room for her tonight. Somehow that made it easier for me to admit to myself that I wouldn’t mind being late to our own show if it meant the multiple orgasms Nico could provide.
He pulled me up from the bed and gave me a long kiss. “Let’s go,” he muttered. He grabbed my bag and we went downstairs and outside. He opened the door for me to the SUV sitting out front. He tossed my bag into the back before getting in and starting up the vehicle.
We were both quiet as Nico drove us into the city. It was weird, but I was nervous. Not to kill, I’d passed that bridge and hadn’t looked back. He was making me nervous.
It’d been a long time since I dated, but I vividly remembered enough to know we’d done things a bit backwards. We’d basically moved in together, then had sex, and now were getting to the dating part. Not that I considered tonight’s activities a date. I laughed softly and wondered if my life would ever go back to some kind of normal? Or was this it? Was this my new normal?
“What’s so funny?”
I looked over and found Nico staring at me. I just shot him a smile and shook my head. He returned his focus to the road in front of us. After more silence from me, he flicked on the radio and pushed the buttons until he found a station he liked. The bass from the song Beast and the Harlot vibrated through my body. It was fitting for my mood, and I quietly sang along.
The rest of the drive went much faster than it should have. My adrenaline was spiking and I was eager to get to work. Nico parked a few blocks away from the apartment complex that Paolo found out Ted lived in. The man had been spot on in all the intel he’d given me so far. He definitely deserved a bonus.
I got out of the vehicle and held my hand out for my bag. Nico just gave me an amused look and slung it over his shoulder as he started walking. I ran to catch up with him. A kidnapper who was also a gentleman. He was a walking contradiction.
When we got closer to the apartment complex we both pulled the hoods up on our sweatshirts to cover our faces. Making our way inside quickly, we found Ted’s door and I knocked. We waited a few heart pounding moments and I tried again.
Well shit. What do you do when the man you’ve come to kill isn’t home? That’s super inconsiderate of him.Inwardly, I snorted out a laugh.
Nico passed my bag over to me and pulled out his wallet.
“I don’t think you can bribe the lock,” I commented.
He paused what he was doing and shot me a look. He didn’t look impressed with my joke. Shaking his head at me, he started working his credit card in between the door and the jamb. “The fanciest lock picks on earth still come second to a credit card shoved into the door jamb,” he said plainly.
I glanced around the hallway to make sure the coast was still clear. I thought I was funny, but apparently my new partner in crime didn’t share that sentiment.
The lock popped and he held the door open for me, sweeping his arm out indicating for me to go inside. I gave him a quick little curtsey as I passed and this time his lips twitched. It was becoming a goal to see how often I could get the grump to smile.
Mine melted off my face when I entered the apartment and found Ted sitting on the couch in his underwear. We stared at each other in shock.
Reaching back, I tried to get Nico’s attention by tugging on his sweatshirt. I wasn’t sure what he was doing back there until I heard the door click quietly shut. Something told me he hadn’t seen Ted yet.
The man in front of me stood up and my head tilted back… even further back, and my stomach dropped down around my knees. He was a fucking giant. Judging by all the muscle on display Ted’s favorite snack was steroids.
“Nico,” I hissed. Deciding that time was up, I broke my silence.
He turned around and was standing so close I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. I turned my head and looked at him. He stared at Ted in complete indifference. It was almost as though he expected the man to be sitting here when we broke in. He wouldn’t do that on purpose though, would he?
“What are you going to do, Havoc?” he asked.
I felt his teeth nip my neck before he stepped to the side and leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his broad chest.
Staring at him in shock, I tried to pull myself together. I wasn’t sure what the hell he was up to. Nico had a bored look on his face and he jerked his chin toward Ted.
“Who the fuck are you?” Ted rumbled at us. Even his voice sounded like a passing semi.
My mouth went dry as I faced the angry man in front of me. He topped Nico’s height by a good two inches and his muscles had muscles. Everything he had was on display since the only thing that covered him were those tighty whities. I stifled a laugh.Yup, definitely took steroids,I thought as I eyed his package.
Shoving the inappropriate thought away, I focused on his furious face. “I’m Havoc.” His gaze kept straying back to Nico. He was clearly more worried about him than me. I couldn’t blame him considering he had at least fifty pounds on me, if not more.