Page 58 of Havoc
“Rottweiler,” Luca said, cutting Paolo off.
“Or a Doberman,” Pietro said, coming to a stop near us. He’d just come around the side of the house.
“German Shepherd,” Nico piped up.
My laugh echoed back at me. “Well Lola is part Shepherd,” I told him.
Nico eyed the dog as though he doubted my claim.
“That one looks like Lassie,” Paolo said, pointing at Autumn.
The dogs leaped off my lap—greetings were over for now. Large hands gripped me under my arms and Nico helped haul me to my feet.
“Thanks,” I murmured.
Sam looked like she was watching a tennis match as her eyes bounced back and forth between us. Anxiety washed over me. How was she going to feel about me shacking up with a guy only a few months after my husband’s death? Fuck. How was she going to react once I told her how Nico had ‘convinced’ me to live here with him?
“Let’s go inside,” Nico suggested. “I’m sure the two of you have a lot of catching up to do.” He nudged me forward with a pat on the ass.
Heat flamed up my neck and into my face. Sam couldn’t contain the shit-eating grin that split her face. I gave her a fake scowl as I ushered her and the dogs inside.
“Umm, can you find me one of those?” she whispered. Her gaze lingered on Nico and I felt the knot in my stomach loosen a bit. Sam was my friend and I knew she’d be on my side no matter what.
Chapter 31
Dinner passed quickly and was a much livelier affair with Sam there. She and Nico were getting along great. I hardly ate, though. I was too busy worrying about what she’d say once I told her everything.
Nico’s chef had insisted we sit right down for dinner as soon as we’d come back into the house. He was a stickler for routine and we ate at six p.m. every evening. It was funny to me, but Nico humored the man.
Afterward, Sam dragged me up to the room she was staying in while she was with us.
“What’s the rush?” I asked with a laugh.
I made myself comfortable on the bed, crossing my legs, mostly stalling. It was time to spill my guts and I wasn’t sure I was ready. The thought of losing her as a friend because of the things I’d done made my stomach hurt. A wave of nausea rolled over me.
She settled in across from me on the bed, looking eager. “I want to know everything! How did you meet Mr. Tall, Dark, and Filthy Rich?” Her eyes sparkled.
I wondered how long it would take for them to lose that glow?
I cleared my throat and her brows drew together at the look on my face. “I have a lot to tell you, Sam. Before I even get to Nico.” I’d considered not telling her about murdering people. I didn’t want her dragged into it if the cops ever came sniffing. Nico would help if that were the case, I was sure of it. The temptation of my friend sitting here next to me and the ability to get everything off my chest was too great.
“I found the men who killed Tony, Mom, and Dad,” I told her.
Her jaw dropped and I saw pain flash in her eyes. It was there for me. She knew my family well and while I was sure she had her own grief for their deaths, it was the way it affected me that was hardest for her.
“How- Who- Jesus,” she finally settled for mumbling when she couldn’t figure out which question to ask first.
“I tracked them down,” I sucked in a huge breath, held it for a beat, then finished in a rush, “and I’ve killed four of them.”
Her eyes were so huge they were bugging out of her head. “You…killed them?”
I nodded, waiting for the inevitable horror to flood her face. Waiting for her to turn me away.
“Good,” she said, her voice clipped.
I had to blink a few times because tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn’t have heard her right.