Page 74 of Havoc
Raul’s eyes darted behind me and he gave a barely perceivable nod. I turned, and tried to fight, but there were ten of Raul’s men and I couldn’t watch my own back. Something slammed into the back of my head and everything went dark.
Chapter 37
Iglanced up as Havoc strolled across my office toward me. Setting down my pen, I watched her approach. We’d been off the last few days, ever since she found out I’d broken her lease. I still wasn’t sure why that was a problem.
She wasn’t freezing me out or angry anymore, that I could tell, something was just off. I didn’t know how to describe it or how to fix it. I didn’t have a lot of experience with a woman like the one standing in front of me. Maria had never gotten angry a day in her life, or if she did, she never showed it. I realized now I’d been lucky to have such a steady, stable woman to stand by my side in the intemperance of my youth.
I couldn’t regret Havoc or making her mine. Now that I was older, if not wiser, I was better equipped to handle the fire that raged through her. Once we had the meeting tomorrow night out of the way, I’d find out what was bothering my little warrior and make the necessary adjustments to put us back on track.
She stopped in front of me and her eyes roamed over me slowly. I waited silently, interested in what she was going to say, but letting her do it in her time.
“You pissed me off.”
I snorted. That was an understatement.
She ignored the sound I made and continued, “You’re controlling, arrogant, and high-handed.”
Grinding my teeth together, I held her challenging gaze. I wasn’t sure if she had a point or if she was just trying to pissmeoff.
“Us being partners means you need to talk to me before you go off and do shit...especially if it concerns me. I wanted to be the one to break my lease, Nico. You took that choice out of my hands, just like you took every other one away from me.” She folded her arms over her chest and waited for my response.
Including someone so fully into my life wasn’t easy for me. I hadn’t given Maria anywhere close to this much freedom or inside information on what I did. She’d never been interested, but even if she had, I wouldn’t have brought her in.
It was different with Havoc, though. She needed to be included and I was realizing that’s exactly what I wanted, too. I nodded, a sharp jerk of my head. “Alright.”
She laughed. “That’s it? Just, ‘alright’?”
I ran my thumb over my bottom lip as I considered the ways I could make it up to her. My eyes roamed over her body and she shifted, realizing where my thoughts had gone. “I’ll make sure to take that into consideration for the future.”
She rolled her eyes, but a smile broke through her fake scowl. She knew me well enough by now to know that meant I wouldn’t keep her in the dark on anything anymore.
Shoving out of my chair, I reached for her, growling when she danced away from me. She laughed and evaded again.
Luca and Paolo rushed in and my head snapped over to where they stood. Paolo bent over at the waist, trying to regain his breath. “Don…” he wheezed.
I looked over at Luca who shook his head. “I don’t know. He just said he needed to talk to you. That it was a matter of life and death.”
My brows raised and I looked back at the man bent over in front of me trying to catch his breath. Had he run all the way from the city? Why was he sweating like that?”
“What’s wrong, Paolo?” Havoc asked him.
“It’s Dante,” he replied.
My heart stuttered in my chest. “What about him?”
“I found out a few minutes ago that someone switched the meeting I’d made from tomorrow night to half an hour ago.”
My head reared back as though he’d slapped me. Fury washed through me. Who’d been messing in my business?
“Your brother found out and went in your place.”
“No,” Luca whispered, horror evident in his tone.
“Where are Carlo and Mario?” I’d had them take over for the men who’d previously been keeping an eye on my brother.
“They missed their last check in. I have men going to the last place the trackers picked them up,” Luca replied. His eyes were grim as they met mine.