Page 81 of Havoc
I explained the relationship and she nodded. “She’s going to try and track down Dante.”
Her eyes darted to mine. “She can do that?”
I nodded. “She’s very…talented.” We sat in silence for a moment. “And if she can’t, her new husband can,” I continued.
“I hope Dante’s okay,” She murmured and laid her head on my shoulder.
I hoped so, too. If I knew my brother, he wouldn’t go down without a fight. We just needed to find him before they took that chance away from him.
Havoc left me alone to make my next call. It was one I wasn’t looking forward to.
“Nico.” Elena’s voice held suspicion and a hint of worry.
I’d never blamed Dante’s mother for leaving when we’d shown up on their doorstep. She stayed far longer than I would have expected any woman to. She’d also never treated me or my mother like scum, despite the knowledge of my existence ruining her marriage.
“Elena. There’s a problem.” That was putting it mildly. My respect for the woman grew as she quietly listened while I explained what happened. “I have my best people looking for him.”
She took in a shuddering breath. I knew how much she loved Dante. This wasn’t easy for her. More than once, growing up, I’d wished I could’ve been her child, too. My mother didn’t have a responsible bone in her body. I’d outgrown her maturity level at a young age. Even now, she was off galivanting around Europe somewhere. When one of my Capos showed an interest in her after my father’s death, I’d married her off in a hurry. I’d sent him to Italy to join an ally there, just to keep her out of New York City and my hair.
“I know you’ll find him, Caro.”
We spoke for a little while as I filled her in on my plan and the information I could. After we hung up, I restlessly tapped a finger on my desk. Nothing would keep me from finding my brother.
Afew weeks later, we pulled into Malavita’s parking lot. Havoc rushed ahead of me, running for the section of the stables where we kept the broodmares. I’d gotten a call from Vince half a hour ago that the mare pregnant with Diavolo’s first offspring was foaling.
She insisted we hurry down here. She’d been near Winnie’s stall the very first time I’d kissed her. Only a short amount of time had passed from then to now, but our relationship had grown by leaps and bounds.
I stepped into the barn and leaned against the doorframe, letting my eyes adjust to the lower lighting. Havoc was already in the stall, holding the mare’s head in her lap. She crooned sweet words to the laboring horse and it made me smile.
It was a hope of mine that someday we’d have children of our own. That’d been a surprise the first time it’d occurred to me. I’d never cared about kids before her. I was fine with having them, but didn’t crave them. Now, I wanted to see a little girl running around with Havoc’s eyes.
“It’ll happen.”
My heart jumped, but other than a sharp glance I didn’t let on that someone had snuck up on me or that it bothered me. It took a lot to spook me, but the man standing there beside me—fucking shimmering—managed to do it.
Slowly, I looked back over to where the vet, Vince, and Havoc were working with the mare.
“They don’t see me,” he told me, as if it was completely logical that I was seeing someone no one else could.
I turned to face him, folding my arms over my chest. “And you are?” I kept my voice low. I didn’t want anyone to know I was losing my Goddamn mind.
“You know who I am,” Tony replied dryly.
Trying to be discrete, I let my gaze wander.
“She couldn’t come,” he told me sadly.
I figured there was a reason he was showing himself to me and not Havoc. Whatever it was, likely was the same reason Maria wasn’t here with him in front of me.
Before I could ask him why hewashere, my vision started swimming. I turned and gripped the frame of the door and shook my head, trying to clear it.
“Hey you,” a familiar voice laughed.
My head snapped up and I watched as everyone in the stall faded away and a shimmering Havoc walked up to a second me. It was like I was watching a movie unfold in front of me, except I could feel the emotions radiating off the man from across the barn. It made sense, we were one and the same.