Page 104 of Bow & Arrow
“India, let’s go!” I yell down the hall to her room. She’s been saying she’s ready for the last thirty minutes, but still hasn’t come out yet.
Patrick is on the couch picking his nails as he shakes his head, smiling. He’s in yellow shorts, white short-sleeve button up, and tan fedora hat. “You know she takes forever, not everyone can do their hair with a rake of their fingers like you.”
I ignore him, it’s not my fault that I have great hair.
I tug on the child size basketball jersey I had ordered weeks ago with Cuba’s name and number on the back. The school didn’t sell women’s jerseys, so I settled for a youth size and it turned out to fit perfectly. I pair it with light distressed jeans and some silver glittery flats that I found in the back of my closet.
Cuba thinks I have a session with Ryan and would be late to his game, but I cancelled last night. I think we both learned lessons from a week ago. Even if I didn’t admit mine, I’ll never choose a session over him again.
“How’s my make-up look?” I turn to Patrick. “I tried to not over do it.”
He makes a face. “It looks good, you’ll be a walking strobe light with all that highlighter.”
I flip him off just as India walks into the living room. It’s weird not seeing her in her uniform, and I feel guilty that she gave it up for me. Even though she claims that she was going to quit anyway, and the captain had it coming. Whatever she says, I still feel bad but also happy to have her in my life.
Black jeans hug her curves and a blue school basketball t-shirt is knotted at her side, showing a sliver of her flat caramel stomach.
“Are you really wearing those?” I nod down to her black wedges.
“Yeah.” She shrugs as if I asked the stupidest question. “Not all of us have a sexy ass boyfriend, I’m trying to catch me one too.”
Patrick laughs. “No respectable male would want to be your boyfriend.”
Indi taps her index finger to her lips like she’s thinking. “Wait, isn’t that what the last guy told you?” She smiles sweetly at him.
He glares at her but goes back to picking at his nails.
“Can we just get along tonight?” I ask. “Go to the game, eat hot dogs, and drink beer.”
They both make a face.
“Yes, to the beer, no to the hot dogs,” they say in unison.
I don’t reply when my phone vibrates in my hand. “Our ride is here,” I tell them, grabbing my purse.
Our ride is none other than my dad. He asked if I was going to the game tonight, and when I said yes, he was all over it. Straight up groupie, he is. So, I let him tag along. He has no idea that we’d just broken up and gotten back together, which makes me happy I didn’t go home crying to them. They would have never forgiven him, I’m their princess after all.
My dad is sitting in his sleek pearl Lexus when we get in, he’s typing away on his phone with a smile.
“Mom?” I ask shutting the door behind me.
He nods. “Yeah, I want to take her out after the game.”
“Look at that,” India pipes up. “Romance doesn’t die after a certain age, after all.”
Dad lifts an eyebrow. “And what age is that, India?”
She smiles and shrugs. “Just nice to see a man of your graceful age still want to woo your woman.”
I roll my eyes. “Please stop.”
“Yeah, please don’t disrespect such a fine man,” Patrick coos.
My dad just laughs, he always does when he’s around my friends. The things that come out of their mouth make me blush. And that’s how the rest of the car ride to the arena goes with my best friends talking with no filter.
I pull India to the side as we walk in. “Did you text Cam?”