Page 14 of Bow & Arrow
I glance at my phone five times since I texted Cuba ten minutes ago. Something was off, before he walked away looking like he wanted to kill someone, and I didn’t miss what Aaron was trying to say. I have no idea what happened to Jackson but whatever happened is a touchy subject. Even though he’s an asshole, and he shouldn’t have crashed my so-called date, I wanted to catch up to him. I don’t know what I would have said, but I wanted to see if he was okay, especially seeing that he left half a beer on the table. He isn’t supposed to be drinking, I think.
I glance at my phone again, still nothing. What did I expect? That he would text back?
A cold hand brushes against my bare arm and my eyes snap to dark brown ones, Aaron.
“Are you okay, Babe?”
Babe? Seriously? Aaron is cute with his tan skin, glossy brown hair, and charming smile, but I can sense the bad juju all around him. I did this as a favor for India, I don’t even know who he is just that Cuba hates him.
“Yeah, just getting late. Thanks for the ride home.”
We’ve been sitting in his rental car for the last fifteen minutes, he just kept going on and on about basketball and professional teams that are looking at him. I blocked him out to send Cuba a text that has still gone unanswered. Indi left with Alex, and Aaron offered me a ride since I rode with her.
I go to open the door, but he stops me. “So, is Cuba like an ex or something, should I worry about him?”
I turn back confused. “Why would you need to worry about him?”
A slow grin crosses his face. “Because I want to get to know you.”
My stomach turns as I try to choose my words carefully. “I’m actually just getting out of a messy break up.” Not totally a lie. “And as far as Cuba is concerned, it’s really none of your business.” I have no idea what made me say that, because I could have easily said that he was no one to me, but his vibes throw me off.
Aaron pulls back, his grin fading. “Say no more. I mean you’re pretty, but that smart-ass mouth isn’t cute. Later.” He turns to look ahead, and I take that as my cue to get out and I happily do that.
Guys like Aaron like girls that sit still and look pretty, and I’m not like that. The door barely gets closed, and he is already speeding off. He really showed me, I roll my eyes and make my way inside my apartment. I’m kind of glad India will be gone most of the night, gives me space to wander in my thoughts.
After undressing and bathing away the scent of Aaron, I dress in my favorite pink pineapple pajamas and sink into my bed with my magic box on my lap. After tonight, I need it.
Opening the lid, I let stinky sweet green herb smell insult my nose, even though I have moved on to edibles and vapes, but my little box still smells like good ole Mary Jane. Falling against my pillows, I look at the ceiling, pressing the metal top of the vape to my lips and inhaling. Smoke fills my mouth, I hold it in and let it out slow, feeling the calm take over my body.
My mind wanders to Cuba tonight, he was with two other guys, all three of them sexy in different ways, but Cuba had a whole different aura to him. Aaron never had a chance. I’m crushing on my client, who has a ton of baggage, and is a certified asshole, but there is something there and I can’t shake it. I kind of don’t want to.
I fall asleep to hazel eyes and I don’t know how I feel about it.
Three days passed, and Cuba never texted me back, and now he’s late, almost twenty minutes. He hasn’t texted me or called to let me know if he was or wasn’t going to show. I could always call his parents, but he’s a grown man, he can take responsibility, and if he stands me up, I will be very upset. Not only is he a dick, he crashed my date, and now he’s standing me up.
The only sound in the room is my nude painted fingernails, tapping against the wood table, and my irritated breathing. I glance at the time on my laptop, if he’s not here in five more minutes I am out, and I’m sending him a short message that he needs to find someone else. He might be someone to a lot of people, but I don’t know the person they know, and I’m not going to let him get away with wasting my time.
The door suddenly swings open and Cuba breezes in as if he was on time. My eyes look him up and down. I hate how sexy he is, wearing a pair of grey cargo shorts, black t-shirt, and red Chuck Taylors. A black and red baseball cap covers his head.
His eye meets mine. I’m staring.
“Look who decided to show up. I hope you know that I can’t stay past the hour.” I turn my stare into a glare.
His eyes flick away from me and he shrugs off his backpack before sliding in the seat across from me.
“Traffic.” He gets his things out, and I get annoyed that he won’t look at me.
I cross my arms. “You could have sent a text, that’s why you wanted my number right?” I arch an eyebrow.
He ignores me as he continues to get his laptop set up. Even when he’s done, he doesn’t look at me, let alone act like he heard me. Here he goes again,
“You know you can always get another tu-“ I start but am cut off.
“I got your text, as you can see I’m perfectly fine.” He looks up at me and back to his screen. “And my phone died so I couldn’t let you know I’d be late.”
Now I feel a little bad, only a little though, I didn’t miss the sarcasm in the first part. I drop my arms and sigh. “So, you just want to read, and I’ll be here if you have any questions?” It might be better the less we talk because it seems one of us is always saying something wrong.