Page 19 of Bow & Arrow
If she thought her little outfit would throw me off, she is clearly in denial. If anything, the whole make-up free face and the Clark Kent glasses make my dick jump in the worst way, and don’t get me started on her brain, nothing is sexier than a woman who knows her shit. Girls out here thinking it’s cute to act dumb, only thing they are good for is sucking my dick, because other than that, those girls have nothing else to offer. A bad chick is only bad if she’s bad inside, she needs to have goals, dreams, and plans for her future. These guys are so quick to wife up with a pretty girl, when her only ambition to be the next IG model. The body fades, but smart is forever. That’s why Bliss turns me on so fucking much. She’s smart as hell and sexy. What’s even better is that she doesn’t even know how sexy she is. If I keep locking eyes with her, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep myself from biting that lower lip, she keeps chewing on.
I pay the delivery guy and kick my door closed with my foot. The smell of their famous cheese fries hits me and brings me back to when Jackson and I would go to Niko’s after practice and eat three plates of cheesy fries overloaded with bacon. I shake off the memory when I turn the corner to see Bliss on her knees, back arched and sliding forward on her hands. Licking my lips, I can’t help but roam my eyes over the curves of her hips to her round, toned ass. The hem of her shirt rises, showing off the dimples in the dip of her back. Damn, having her come here was the best and worst thing I have done. It’s just us here, and as much as she wants to act like I annoy her, even she can’t deny the spark in the air. Then I remember she’s a good girl, I’m not the guy she needs. I have a trunk load of baggage.
I clear my throat making her quickly sit up on her knees wincing in pain. “Need help?” Bliss’s cheeks redden as she goes to stand up.
I shake my head, motioning her to not get up. “I got it, I’ll go grab some plates.” Setting the bag down on the coffee table, I turn for the kitchen.
Once I’m out of sight, I fix myself, trying to hide my growing erection like I’m thirteen-years-old. I need to get my shit together, she’s my tutor, I can’t hit on my tutor. No matter how much she turns me on, I just need to get through this session and then the next four Fuck, that’s a long time.
Grabbing plates, napkins, and forks, I take a deep breath before walking out. Bliss is back to sitting cross-legged, she's typing away on her phone, huffing, and shaking her head.
“Boy problems?” I ask, setting the plates down. She already took out and separated our food.
She throws her phone in her bag and shakes her head. “No, just my roommate.”
Annoyance leaves me. “Do you live with a guy?”
She shakes her head, grabbing a plate, unwrapping her burger, and dumping her fries on it. “No, I live with a girl.” Bliss smirks, flicking her stormy eyes my way, and back to the burger now in her hands. “She forgot her key but is staying at some guys house.” She takes a giant bite, and, just when I thought she couldn't get any sexier, she goes and eats like a human being. The girls I've taken out in the past always picked at a salad, but we aren't dating, we're not even friends. She's just my tutor who is trying to do her job and who I happen to find attractive.
Bliss moans as she swallows her bite and my dick twitches again. “I love their burgers. Thanks for getting this.”
I just nod because there's a lot I could say but none of it is appropriate. We eat in a comfortable silence, the annoyance of her ex possibly texting her still inside me. I shouldn't care, it shouldn't even be a thought in my head, but it is, and I don't know what it means or how I should feel about it.
Bliss starts talking more about this Alexander guy, and I pretend to listen, as I pick at my cheese fries. What I am really doing is stealing glances at her plush lips and her stormy eyes, that lighten up like lightning when she gets excited about all these details. The way she talks is with passion, like she knew them personally. It’s mind blowing.
“Is any of this clicking? Any questions so far?” She looks up at me as she slides her laptop into her messenger bag. She's leaving already? I look at the time, damn she's been here well over her hour, and it's starting to get dark out.
Standing, I pick up the plates, while she grabs the trash. “Yeah, no, I got it,” I lie. I was barely paying attention, I'll be doing some reading tonight, so I can contribute to our next session.
Bliss follows me to the kitchen, dumping everything into the trash, “Cool. Want me to help with that?”
Placing the plates in the sink, I turn to her, bracing my hands against the counter, because if I don’t, I might just pull her into me. “It’s just two plates, Arrow.” I shrug. “I think I can manage.”
She bites her bottom lip nodding. “I’m sure. Well, I better get going.” She motions with her thumb.
I kind of don’t want her to leave, it’s been a long time since I’ve had any company, an even longer time since I had nonsexual female company. I can’t think of any reason for her to stay, she’ll question it. She’ll think I’ll open up to her, and I won’t.
I rub the back of my neck. “Right, let me walk you to your car.”
She smiles. “It’s only around the walkway, I think I can manage.” She turns, walking away, and I watch her ass sway away from me before I shake my head and walk after her.
“I’ll walk you.” My voice leaves no room for her to argue with me. Grabbing her bag, I hand it to her, I know she’s probably still sore.
“Thanks.” She takes it from my hand, our fingers graze against each other, and she quickly pulls away.
Sliding into my house shoes, I open the door and let her walk past me as I close the door behind us. I stuff my hands in the pockets of my hoodie as I quietly walk behind Bliss, trying to figure out what the fuck I’m doing. The sun is already setting, giving the sky a glow of orange and pinks.
“That is so pretty, I wish I could see that every day,” she says softly, looking back at me, and I realize I’ve been staring at her. Shifting my eyes, I look over her head to where she was looking. I had an awesome view of the beach. It’s the reason why this place appealed to Jackson, he was going through a surfing phase when we were freshmen and our parents started looking for a place for us somewhere close to the beach. My mom wanted me to move after his death, but I couldn’t do it, I craved the memories we had. They no longer made me sad, more at peace then anything.
I shrug. “It’s pretty awesome.”
“Well this is me.” She points to a blinding lime green Prius.
“You have to be shitting me, Arrow?” I choke out a laugh. “That shit is bright, I need sunglasses just to look at it.”
Bliss shoots me an ugly look. “Har Har, you’re so original.” She rolls her eyes, but a smile pulls at her lips.