Page 22 of Bow & Arrow
“He’s totally into you.” Patrick tosses a fry at me. I catch it and pop it in my mouth.
“Serious, B Money, “India chimes in. “I’ve never seen Cuba like this. He damn near had a pissing match with Aaron the other night, and then he kissed you earlier, and now here he is again.”
“You kissed those amazing lips?” Patrick gasps. “You, lucky bitch. I mean look at him. Look at all the little hoes drooling over him. Cuba Knight is back, and everyone knows now.”
I wave them off, Cuba isn’t even thinking about me, and I am not thinking about the way his lips crashed into mine not even five hours ago.
“I can’t believe you didn’t say anything the whole time at the shop.” He glares at me. Right after I left Cuba’s I went to Patrick’s salon, so he could touch up my new growth and straighten my hair.
I shrug. “I guess I forgot, it’s not a big deal.”
He slaps the table causing our drinks to shake, heads snap our way, but that doesn’t stop Patrick from whisper-screaming at me, “Bitch, Cuba fucking Knight kissed you and you forgot. Do you not know who he is?”
His green eyes widen in shock when I shake my head. “No idea. He seems to like it that way, and he made it clear he wants it to stay that way.” I sip my drink, my eyes quickly flicking to where Cuba and his friends are shooting pool and drinking. I notice he’s the only guy there solo. I also can’t help but notice how many girls walk by him trying to get his attention, but he doesn’t even look their way.
He was right, there has been attraction between them since the first day. Maybe I don’t need to know someone’s darkest secret to kiss them. And oh, how I wanted to kiss those lips again, but I refused to be like all the girls in this place, panting around for his attention.
He doesn’t want to be my friend; the feeling is mutual.
“We should dance.”
Patrick smiles. “Yes, we should.”
India waves us off, she’s too busy having eye sex with the red head at the bar. “You guys go, I’ll hold down the fort.”
“Or hold up your skirt in the men’s bathroom stall.” He snorts, standing and holding out his hand for me. “Shall we?”
Indi shoots him a glare but smiles. “Don’t be jealous.”
“Never, I like to keep myself pure.”
I down my drink. “Enough, you two.” They fight like siblings all the time. “Let’s go.” I take his hand and follow him to the makeshift dance floor.
Dixie’s is one of those places that can’t decide if it wants to be a cafe, a bar, or a club, so somehow, they made it into all three. Plush couches sit all the way in the back where there is a barista, then in the middle there is a bar, pool tables, and a few booths, and closer to the door are some standing tables, a makeshift dance floor, and the DJ booth. It’s odd but somehow it works.
The DJ spins “OMG” by Camila Cabello and my hips sway to the beat, my body no longer sore from this morning’s work out, but I did learn a few dance moves. Patrick moves behind me, his hands on my hips, his body moving along with mine to the beat, dipping when I do. Best thing about dancing with a gay guy is, no matter how much I rub my booty against him, I never have to worry about an unwelcomed guest poking me.
I feel his eyes burning into me before I even meet them, Cuba is leaning on his pool stick, his eyes burning holes into me as they move up and down my body. Tingles fill my stomach, there’s something about the way his tattooed arms flex when he grips the stick tighter, the way his tongue sweeps over his full lips, and his hazel eyes turn a little darker by the second.
“Damn, the way he’s looking at you is making me hot,” Patrick whispers in my ear. “I hope he knows I’m gay, that’s a fight I can’t win.”
I shake my head. “Don’t worry.” Dropping down, I come up slow against him. “He’s not even thinking about me.” I watch a gorgeous black-haired girl with rich dark skin walk up to him, her hands sliding down his arms. Just like that, his eyes are pulled from me to her.
I try not to let it faze me, but it does, I don’t know what game we are playing, but I need to get grip. I tutor him, that’s all, and that kiss meant nothing, I’m just another pretty girl that he likes to look at.
When the song starts to end, blending in with another chart topper, I pull away from Patrick. “I need some air.” Without waiting for his reply, I walk away, pushing past other dancers.
The cool air is a welcomed chill as I step outside. There are a few groups of students hanging around in circles laughing and smoking cigarettes.
Leaning against the brick wall, I take a deep breath. Cuba with another girl shouldn’t bother me, at all. I didn’t even feel this way when Dex and I first started talking to each other. Hell, I didn’t even feel anything when I caught him cheating. What is wrong with me, and this stupid attraction to Cuba? He’s a complete asshole to me whenever he gets a chance. Just when I think we can be civil, he shows me we can’t.
“Want some company?”
Speaking of the devil, Cuba is leaning against the wall next to me, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
“What if I said no?” I quirk an eyebrow. “I’m not in the need of company with an asshole.”