Page 24 of Bow & Arrow
A smile pulls at his lips. “I insist.”
Smiling back, I shake my head slightly, letting him lead me back into Dixie’s. It seems to be more crowded and eyes follow us. Cuba doesn't seem to mind as he navigates us through the bodies, his fingers laced through mine. I remind myself that this means nothing.
I see the same guys from the other night, still at the pool tables, girls hanging around them. I don't miss how they look at me, with curiosity. Their eyes go to our joined hands, and when we stop, I quickly pull my hand away. Cuba looks back at me but doesn't say anything.
“This is Bliss,” he tells them. “Bliss, this is Cam, Ash, his girlfriend Amanda, JR, and his girlfriend Maya.” He nods his head at each one, before putting his hand on the small of my bare back, another spark shoots through me, as he guides me to a stool by a tall table.
“What can I get you to drink?” he asks once I'm seated.
“I'll just take a Sprite.” I don't need to drink around him, I can admit I'm a lightweight, and I already have a small buzz from my first drink.
Cuba nods and heads to the bar. I can't help but feel eyes on me. Maya and Amanda are making their way up to me.
Amanda is a pretty pixie blonde, she reminds me of Tinkerbell in her pale yellow flowy dress and big blue eyes. Maya is the opposite, her golden skin looks kissed by the sun itself, dark curls frame her heart shaped face and dark eyes twinkle. A smile pulls at her full lips.
“You're gorgeous.” Right away, I pick up on Maya’s Spanish accent.
I'm taken aback by her comment and I blush. “Thank you.”
Amanda grins. “It's nice to meet you. You’re Dex’s ex, right?”
I hate when people refer to me as his ex. “He's actually my ex.”
They laugh at that and I smile.
“How long have you've been dating Cuba? No one has seen him in a while, since… you know.” Maya’s voice travels off.
That makes me frown. “Um, we aren't dating. We're friends.” It almost comes off as a question. Are we friends?
Now it's their turn to frown, as if they don't understand.
“I’m his tutor,” I explain.
“Oh.” Amanda nods like now she gets it. Both girls share a look and shift their feet.
Thankfully, Cuba appears at my side, my soda in hand, and a Coke for himself. “They only had 7-up, hope that’s okay.”
Smiling up at him, I nod. “Yes, perfect. Thanks.”
Maya and Amanda take this time to hurry back to their boyfriends, and I’m kind of glad, they wanted to question me more, find out why Cuba has me around. I would like to know that too, but I have a feeling it’s because he wants in my little shorts, not to get to know me.
“Were they being nice?” He leans against the wall beside me. I take a sip of my drink before nodding.
“Yeah, they asked how long we’ve been dating.”
He laughs, like a deep rumbling laugh. I guess the thought of dating me is funny. He must get that I’m not amused the moment he looks at my face, and he chokes, on the sound about to rupture up his throat. My eyes narrow in a glare as I take the straw into my mouth and sip. His eyes darken, focusing on my lips, and I arch an eyebrow, not so funny now.
Cam grabs his attention before he can say anything to me, and they begin another game of pool. Cuba steals glances at me as he rounds the table looking for his next shot.
My phone vibrates in my back pocket and I lift a little to slide it out.
It’s India.
Indi: Staying the night with the blond god from the bar. Are you home?
Me: Nope, Pat ditched me. Still at the bar.
I smile when her text comes back.