Page 28 of Bow & Arrow
My gloved fingers tap softly against my lips, and I can't help but smile to myself. He kissed me, again, and it was, gosh, it was nice. I shouldn't compare, but kissing Cuba made Dex look like a beginner. Each nip and sweep of his tongue is embedded in my memory from last night.
I thought about it on the hour and a half drive to my mom's house in Palm Springs. When I say, I thought about it, I really mean I obsessed over every touch, every breath, trying to dissect and figure him out. My wanting to know him is growing, and now that he is willing to slowly open up to me, I can't think of anything else, including my task at hand.
Sprinkles of dirt hit my face, shaking me from my thoughts. I glare at my mom who is kneeling next to me with her hand shovel. “You’re supposed to be helping me, not daydreaming,” she teases with a smile.
I smile back and continue filling dirt around the flowers I'm working on. “Sorry,” I mumble embarrassed. I rarely get caught daydreaming and lately it's been becoming a habit. I blame it on the hazel eyed, tattooed basketball player.
She hums and continues to plant the rest of the flowers next to her, and I relax just being near her. I lived with my mom the whole time growing up and would see my dad on weekends, even now that I live in LA, I can't go long without seeing my mom on Saturdays, and my Sunday nights are usually spent, having dinner with dad. Sometimes, I used to wish they would get back together, every kid wishes for that, but now that I'm older, I see they are happy. They never say one bad thing about one another and sometimes we even have a meal together. Neither of them has remarried, they date here and there but it's never anything serious. I wonder if they ever feel lonely. I wouldn't want to grow old alone and never finding love again.
I wipe sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand. We have been out in the sun all afternoon, planting the new flowers mom bought this morning before I arrived. We do this sometimes, and I'm glad I wore jeans and a tee.
“So, who's the boy?” Her question startles me. “That has you daydreaming, is it that boy?”
My lips twitch, my parents hated Dex and it was no surprise when I told them we broke up they asked if I wanted to celebrate.
“No, I'm not thinking of Dex,” I assure her. “It’s nothing, Mom.”
“Do I look stupid?” She sets down her tools and leans back on her knees.
“Serious, just a guy I'm tutoring.” A guy that kisses my breath away. A guy I need to put the brakes on Monday, because that can't happen again.
Mom hums again dusting off her shorts. “What's his name?”
“What year is he?”
That's a great question, I have no idea. So, I shrug. “Not sure, I think he's a senior this year.” Wow, I really don't know much about him, yet I let him devour my mouth last night. Great.
Her eyebrows lift. “But you're attracted to him.” It's not a question and I hate how she knows these things.
“It's complicated.” That's an understatement because I don't even know what's happening myself.
“Want to explain over lunch?” she asks. “I fried up some bacon this morning, we can have BLTs.”
My stomach growls at the mention of bacon. “Not much to explain but lunch sounds great, I'm dying in this sun.”
We get up and dust ourselves off, leaving our gardening tools on the ground for later. I follow mom through the house and into the kitchen where she starts to get lunch ready, and I grab plates and cups from the shelf. I always loved this house, even when I was a little girl and my grandpa lived here before my parents divorced. It's simple and cozy with its smaller rooms and warm colors, it didn't fit the glamorous neighborhood with the all fancy trees and plants, but it has a simple garden in the back that I love. I used to visit all the time and grandpa would tell me about ancient Rome, he's the reason I study history, his love for it transferred over to me. We spent many nights cuddled on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn watching the newest documentaries or T.V. specials on anything related to ancient civilization, sometimes even about the medieval British royals. I had a crush on King Henry the eighth, I found him fascinating for a mad man. I miss him, my grandpa, Alzheimer’s is a bitch. Watching the man with the most beautiful mind lose everything, nearly killed me. It's been two years, and every now and then, I just wish he was here, to see that I'm following my dreams.
Shaking away my thoughts, I meet my mom at the table where she has placed the sandwiches and iced tea. Setting down the plates and cups, I slide in the chair across from her.
“So, tell me about this Cuba guy.” She wastes no time, huh? The only serious boyfriend I've had was Dex. I dated briefly in high school, barely long enough to have a date for prom.
A stupid smile curves my lips as I tell her about the sexiest guy I have ever tutored between bites. The more I talk about him, the more questions I have, like how old is he? Is he graduating this year? All I know is he played basketball, and he is clearly popular, everyone knows him. I also know he is haunted, and I have a feeling it has to do with this Jackson guy.
“Sounds like he doesn't know if he likes you or not.” Mom wipes her mouth with a napkin, “He sounds complicated, and you don't have time for that, baby girl. Let that one go.”
Frowning I push my plate away. “Yeah, but-”
She cuts me off taking my plate away. “And he's a jock. Didn't you just get cheated on by one?”
She's right, Dex did cheat on me. Of course, I know I can't judge every athlete based on my last relationship but part of me does. I have no idea what is going on between Cuba and me, so before I go making something into nothing, I shut down the idea, because what I saw last night is that girls want him, girls that are gorgeous. I wouldn't be thinking realistically if I think he's a one-woman man.
I force a fake smile that I'm sure she can see through. “Like I said mom, there's nothing going on. He's cute, that's it.”
She arches a dark eyebrow. “Yeah, okay. I just don't want you to get screwed over by some jock again.”