Page 40 of Bow & Arrow
I twirl my fork around in my pasta with a goofy smile still plastered on my face. Heat spreads through my cheeks remembering Cuba and my shower hours ago. I just want to run around and do flips but I can’t, so I do a little dance in my mind. Cuba seemed a little annoyed when I said I had dinner plans, he wanted me to come over after we finished dressing, but I couldn’t cancel. Maybe I should have eased his mind and told him I was just having dinner with my dad, but part of me likes to think he’s jealous. Although, he has no reason to be, because gosh, that tutoring session was better than all the rest because they never ended in mind blowing orgasms.
“Bliss, did you even hear what I said?”
I snap out of it and look up at my dad, his salt and pepper eyebrows drawing together.
“Huh?” I didn’t hear anything. “No,” I admit.
He takes a sip of his wine. “I said that maybe you should look into law school again.”
Here he goes, he still can’t get over the fact that I’m going to be a teacher. He wants me to go to law school, follow in his footsteps, I mentioned law school when I was eight and he has not let it go since.
It’s my turn to take a sip of my wine, but instead, I take a gulp and swallow. “Dad, I don’t want to be an attorney. We went over this.”
“Yes, but have you ever considered being a cultural property attorney?”
He’s been researching again. “I was talking to Brian’s son, Kevin, and he was telling me that he was learning about that option in class.” He continues to ramble on. My dad has a super hard on for Kevin, a guy that I met once at a company party, he is nowhere near my type. He’s so much like my dad, and I’m so much like my mom. I need to be able to breathe and be free. Kevin suffocated me with just one conversation.
“Dad,” I stop him and give him a sad smile. “Why can’t we just agree to disagree? Don’t you want me happy?”
He looks shocked. “Of course, baby girl. I just want the best for you.”
“I know but neither law school or Kevin is best for me.” I don’t even know if Cuba is best for me.
“I didn’t bring up Kevin like that, just what he was telling me. He has a girlfriend, anyway.” He rolls his eyes. “I talked to your mom.”
I shrug. “Okay.”
“How are your tutoring sessions going?”
My mom has a big mouth. “And like I told mom, he’s no one.” No one I can say is my boyfriend, and I can’t say it’s complicated. Although, it’s so complicated with him calling me baby, and I like it… too much. He’s not promising me anything, I need to keep my feelings in line.
“Well, if he does become someone, I hope he’s better than the baseball player, he was an idiot.”
I laugh. “Yeah, he still is.”
We change the subject to his work and he tells me about the new cases he’s handling. Watching my dad talk about his work is what I imagine it’s like when I talk about my studies, his face just lights up and he can’t stop rambling. Then his phone rings and I can tell by the look on his face that it’s probably work. As much as my dad loves his job, he loves spending time with me more, that’s what he always tells me. I’m always more important.
I nod, letting him know it’s okay to answer it and he leaves the table with his phone pressed to his ear.
Taking this time, I pull my cell out of my purse and I’m surprised to see a text from Cuba, he rarely ever texts me or texts back.
Cuba: How is your date going?
Me: Ending early. What are you doing?
I look up to see my dad still on the phone outside the restaurant, there is a lot of head nodding, and I can only assume that he needs to go back to the office, at least he got some food in him.
My phone vibrates in my hand bringing my attention back to the screen.
Cuba: Another clown?
Cuba: Nothing, watching T.V.
Me: Alone or are you on a date yourself?
I delete it.