Page 58 of Bow & Arrow
She’s mad at me still. Of course, she would be, but her little tease dance with India threw me off. Then she was gone. Ash left Cam and I when he found out Amanda was here, now we have no idea where he is. We rode together so he can’t be far. We make our way to the kitchen, girls grabbing us trying to get us to stop and talk but I pull away. I’m not interested and last thing I want is for Bliss to see me with another girl.
When we get in the kitchen, we see Dylan at the makeshift bar making a drink but what catches my attention is the white powder from a pill capsule he’s mixing into it. Nudging Cam, I nod my head in Dylan’s direction.
“Yo, Dylan,” Cam calls out. “Since when do you need to drug a girl to get your dick wet.”
Startled, Dylan knocks over the cup, the contents splashing on the floor, he cruses under his breath. “What the fuck, Cam. Mind your own fucking business.”
“This is my business when it comes to dudes like you who want to drug a girl to get laid,” he says stepping on the cup, it cracks under his weight.
Dylan turns red. “She wants it, she doesn’t know. Claims she has a boyfriend but I know that bitch is single.”
“If she’s lying about having a boyfriend that means she not interested, bruh.” I narrow my eyes. “How many drinks have you given her?”
That’s one thing the basketball team does not fuck with, we don’t tolerate drugging chicks, whether it’s our party or not. Everyone knows that, Dylan knows that, so I don’t see why he’s trying to justify it.
Dylan doesn’t answer me. “How many?” I ask again.
“Just two.”
Cam pushes him against the counter. “Who the fuck is she?”
“You’re not about to fuck up my night.” Dylan stands up straight. “It’s just a little something to make her more comfortable.” He smirks.
This fucker is asking to get his ass beat tonight.
“Look, just tell us who she is, and we won’t fuck you up,” I offer. “It’s really simple.”
We’ll find the girl and get her home safely, this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done this. Jackson and I had to do it before.
Dylan clamps his mouth shut in a hard line when the back-door busts open. India pushes Cam out of the way and punches Dylan in the face, making his head snap back.
“What the fuck did you give her!” she screams, her eyes wild with fear. “Tell me now!” Dylan’s face turns red in anger.
Cam is grabs her to get her attention. “Who?”
My stomach dips.
“Bliss.” She tries to break free to swing at Dylan. “Something is wrong with her.”
Just then, Ash walks in and I’m handing him my keys, he looks at me confused. “Get Bliss to my car now.” He doesn’t say anything as he follows India out the back door.
My eyes don’t leave Dylan. He’s cornered with Cam on his other side. The kitchen goes quiet and I see him visibly swallow.
There’s a crowd forming, and I don’t give a fuck as I come inches from him. I can smell the Hennessey on his breath.
“You know what your first mistake was, Dylan?” I ask him slowly, anger is racing up my body and I’m shaking.
He has the nerve to smirk. “Getting caught by you assholes?” He shrugs. “You’re back on campus and you think you’re running things again, but times have changed, Knight.”
“Wrong answer,” Cam says, his fist connecting to his jaw. “Try again.”
Blood trickles out of the corner of Dylan’s mouth, and his eyes narrow, but he doesn’t make a move or say anything.
“Your first mistake was not believing she had a boyfriend,” I tell him calmly.
“She doesn’t, they broke up a while ago,” he spits at me.