Page 85 of Bow & Arrow
“We’ll be right behind you, we have to have girl talk.” Her mom winks with a smirk.
“I can feel my ears burning already.” I laugh before walking through the open doorway.
I follow the path that seems to lead to the garden that I saw out the kitchen window. I wonder if they are looking at me, probably. I hope she’s not in there spilling all the details. And definitely not about our sex life.
The table is off to the side away from the window, and Beth has already set out bright orange cloth napkins. I see where Bliss gets her colorful choices of colors, thankfully she left it at her car because she mostly dresses in earth colors. Yeah, I’m that far gone that I actually pay attention to what she wears. She could walk in with a yellow hairband and I would notice.
Setting the tray on the table, I try to gain brownies points by setting the plates, cups, and glasses on the table. There are two chairs on each side of the iron table with, of course, matching bright orange cushions.
The sound of a door opening catches my attention, but it’s not Bliss and her mom, since I left the door open. Turning, I’m shocked to see her dad, Keith, standing there with a bottle of wine. She said they have been divorced since she was a toddler or something but they are still friendly. Why wouldn’t she have said anything about him coming over then?
“Mr. McQueen.” I set down the last plate, confused.
He almost looks embarrassed, running his hand through his salt and pepper hair “Keith.” He reminds me with a smile, setting the bottle of wine on the table. “How are you?”
“Good.” I rock back on my heels. “How are you?”
His lips twitch. “Good. I see you’re surprised to see me here.”
I let out a laugh. “A little.”
He nods understanding. “Glad you’re here bec-“
Now it’s Keith’s turn to rock back on his heels with a nervous smile. “Hey, baby girl.”
Her face scrunches up in confusion. “What are you doing here?” She quickly changes her tone. “I mean, I love seeing you but…” Bliss trails off.
Beth wraps her arm around her daughter and leads her to a chair. “How about we all sit down and talk.”
I feel like I should leave, this seems like it’s going to be a family talk and I’m an outsider. Keith must sense my reluctance to sit and pats me on the back. “Have a seat, hot shot,” he says lightly.
Beth busies herself filling glasses with fresh lemonade, I want to ask if there is vodka to go with it because this talk might call for it. I reach for Bliss’s hand, lacing my fingers with hers, giving them a gentle squeeze. She squeezes back letting me know that she knows I got her. This is obviously not what she had planned today.
Her parents settle across from us, shifting awkwardly, trying not to look at each other.
“So, what’s going on?”
Beth looks to Keith and nudges him, I know what he’s about to say before even says it.
He clears his throat and takes a sip of lemonade. “Your mom and I have been seeing each other.”
Knew it. It’s the only logical thing that makes sense. I’m not surprised, but the weight crashing my hand lets me know Bliss is taken off guard. Well shit. Now I’m shifting awkwardly trying to make myself invisible.
Bliss doesn’t say anything for a moment, and I know the silence has them on the edge of their seat, but if I know their daughter like I think I do, then I know she isn’t upset. She’s processing it. Her hand squeezes mine and I squeeze back.
“How long?” she asks finally.
“About five months,” Keith tells her, his eyes never leaving hers. “We wanted to tell you, but we wanted to make sure this is what we wanted.”
Bliss nods understanding. “So, this is why you two haven’t been out with other people.”
Beth smiles up at Keith. “Yeah, we have been seeing each other. We really wanted to tell you, honey, but we didn’t want to get your hopes up.”
A laugh escapes her lips, surprising her parents, even me. “Wow, this is funny. I bring my boyfriend home to meet my mom and she brings her boyfriend too.”
“Except he’s your dad.” I shrug, pointing that out. Lifting the chicken salad sandwich to my mouth, I take a bite. “This is the best ever, Beth,” I say between chews.