Page 12 of Vanilla and Vice
She never pushed.
She allowed me to come out on my own time like an abused kitten hiding in the bushes.
She knew I would talk about it when I was ready, and at that moment, I wasn’t even close to being prepared. I was still coming to terms with the fact I had left my entire life, including my mother, behind. It hurt knowing I had essentially deserted her, but I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to survive, and I believed if my mother were the woman she used to be, she would want me to do just that.
“Do you want to shower or nap before dinner?”
In my head, I was jumping for joy. “I’d love a shower.”
Aunt Kennedy smiled. “I thought so. This will be your room and the bathroom right in there. Shower and I’m going to go order food. I’m still a terrible cook.”
“I don’t mind cooking.”
“Don’t be silly. We’re ordering in.”
I laughed. “Okay. Thank you for this, Aunt Kennedy,” I said when she turned to leave me in the room alone.
She smiled, her smile reminding me so much of my mother it hurt. “We’re family, Eden. I don’t know what’s going on with you and your mom, but I’ll be here for you no matter what.”
With that, she left me in the room alone as a tiny tear made its way down my cheek. I hadn’t felt so much relief in all my life.
I had done it.
I had left my situation for what I hoped was a much better one.
I stood in the room, looking around and feeling so much relief. It had been so long since I’d had a quiet, clean space all to myself. The room was beautiful with a big white bed in the center of the room and a simple table and lamp on each side. The walls were mostly bare except for the gorgeous picture of a lily just above the bed.
A dresser rested against the opposite wall, empty and ready for clothing I didn’t own, and across from that was yet again another wall of windows looking out over the corrupt city.
Walking into the bathroom, I wasn’t surprised that everything was crisp and white. With the shower water as hot as I could stand it, I stepped into the marble shower and began to wash away the dirt and grime of the open desert from my skin.
Once I was clean, I stood under the spray and closed my eyes, somehow feeling as if my soul was also being cleaned.
I was getting a fresh start. It was an opportunity few people in my predicament got, and I would not ruin it or waste it.
Once I was dressed, I gazed out over the city. Tomorrow would be a new day—a new beginning—and a chance to be someone different. I would grab the opportunity with greedy hands and turn it into something amazing.
It was my time.
I would change my life.
After dinner and a ton of laughing, something I hadn’t done in a long time, I fell asleep with a smile on my lips and my brain feeling empty for once.
There was no fear.
There were no worries that my mom and Allen would leave a cigarette burning and torch the trailer.
No thinking about the possibility of Allen’s loser friends creeping into my room.
I closed my eyes and sighed, knowing that if only for tonight, I was safe.
I slept better than I had in years.