Page 20 of Vanilla and Vice
“Good. Sit down, and we can get started.”
I signed the new hire paperwork she had drawn up for me, and within thirty minutes, I was thrown out on the floor like a seasoned professional waitress.
Even though I wasn’t seasoned or professional.
I had never served so much as a drink to anyone in my entire life unless you counted the many times I fetched a beer from the refrigerator for Allen and his friends. I surely didn’t count that as experience, but that didn’t stop me from throwing myself into my new job.
I learned everything I could, sucking up information like a sponge, and I followed every bit of advice the other waitresses gave me. Amy, a waitress Kennedy had paired me with, moved through the motions, allowing me to shadow her until I felt like I was ready to strike out on my own.
Two hours into the job and I felt like I had the hang of things. I was moving around the casino and memorizing the table numbers. I was learning what the different parts of the casino were named and where in the building I would be working.
Mostly, they were keeping me close to the bar, which I appreciated since I was still learning.
After taking an order from a group of three on the right side of the room, I moved back toward the bar and shouted out my order to Dell, the bartender running the morning shift.
He threw together the drinks quicker than I could comprehend, and before I knew it, my tray was loaded up and ready.
With a full tray, I turned and gathered a handful of napkins and a few straws and added them to my tray. Then I took my time and folded the receipt into the diamond shape I had been taught with one hand. I probably could have gotten it done better if I had set my tray down, but I found that once I set my tray down, it was hard to pick it back up when it was full without spilling.
“You’re doing that wrong,” a deep voice sounded at my side.
I jumped, almost spilling the drinks on my tray before turning and looking at who was possibly the most intimidating man I had ever seen.
He was tall, towering over me like a stone statue. My eyes traveled over his suit covered chest, so vast his suit was tugged tight, before resting on his thick neck. My gaze slid over the bronze skin of his neck before rolling over his masculine chin and landing on his plump lips. They were thick and smooth yet unsmiling and stern.
A quick trip over his perfectly shaped nose, and my eyes were lost in his. I sucked in a breath, feeling as if the oxygen in the room had been sucked away.
His eyes were amazing.
They were as green as the room around us.
The color stood out against his russet skin and dark, disheveled hair.
He glared down at me, angry and unmoving. His lips were tight, making his sharp cheekbones pop out. The dark hair surrounding his luscious lips spread lightly across his cheeks before blending into his sideburns and disappearing into the mess of wavy hair on top of his head.
He was beautiful, but I couldn’t seem to look past the fury carved into his expression.
“Excuse me?”
His hard jade eyes moved over my face, pausing on my mouth before he was once again staring me directly in the eye.
“I said … you’re doing that wrong. Set the tray down before you waste the expensive liquor in those drinks while you attempt to figure out what to do with the receipt. If you want to keep your job, I suggest you learn how to do it right, and you better learn fast.”
Who was this man?
And what made him think he had any right to tell me how I was supposed to do my job?
“And you are?” I asked, my eyes narrowing. I had no time to put up with the hotel concierge on some power trip.
“I’m the fucking owner of this place, and if you want to keep working for me, I suggest you do the job correctly or move on.”
I swallowed.
I remembered Kade and Aunt Kennedy telling me there was a third person … another owner.
I tried to remember what they had told me about him.