Page 31 of Vanilla and Vice
Instead, she nibbled her bottom lip as though it was keeping her mouth in check, and then she said in a sarcastically sweet tone, “Yes, sir.”
She turned, her broken shoe in hand, and started toward my office door to leave. My eyes moved over her stiff back before landing on her perfect ass.
She was fucking gorgeous and seemed to be clueless about it. I liked that about her. I also longed for the tiny spark I could see behind her eyes from time to time.
She was a warrior.
A fighter.
We were kindred.
I had once fought to survive in this life, and I could tell she was doing the same. It made me glad she had Kennedy Vaughn on her side, and if, by some chance, the same heated blood that flowed through Kennedy’s veins was in Eden’s veins, then I knew she would make it to the top.
With or without anyone else’s help.
Once the door clicked behind her, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was a struggle to be in her presence, and holding my own was slowly becoming more difficult
Her skin called to me.
Her eyes.
Her lips.
And that warm soaking spot between her thighs that I knew was untouched and needy.
My cock throbbed between my thighs, hard and heavy, begging to be touched, but I wouldn’t give in. I was in control, and I would remain that way. My body didn’t have the last word; I did. But sometimes, when I looked at Eden, I didn’t feel so powerful. In fact, looking at her made me feel downright fucking weak.
She brought out the addict in me, and he was hungry for just a tiny taste of her.
THE NEXT MORNING, I woke with a hard dick and thoughts of Eden racing through my mind. I couldn’t get in a cold shower quick enough, and once inside, I made it a point not to spend too much time washing my cock.
It was purple and angry, peering up at me with its accusing eye and cursing me for putting it through so much pain. I looked away, washing my hair once again and letting the cold water shock my system until my heated member cooled and went limp.
Turning off the shower water, I dried my starving body and dressed for the day.
It wasn’t long until I was stepping off the elevator onto the first floor of the Empire and making my way toward my office.
“Good morning, Mr. Hale,” Joey, a member of our morning shift security detail, said as I passed him.
I nodded to him, before pushing open my office door and disappearing inside.
Sitting at my desk, I went about my morning routine, which meant checking the hundreds of emails I received between leaving my office last night and getting here this morning.
I opened one from Kennedy that read urgent in the subject line. As always, they were quick and to the point, which was exactly how I liked them. It made my life easier.
“Shit,” I cursed after reading over the first few sentences of her email.
I pushed away from my desk and made my way toward the men’s locker room where, according to Kennedy, there was a leak in the bathrooms that connected. She had already called maintenance to come out and look at it, but apparently, it wasn’t something they could fix.
Pushing open the door, the room was silent and empty since the morning crew and night crew had already switched shifts. Passing the row of lockers, I glanced down each aisle out of habit, and that was when I saw her.
I skidded to a stop and stood there, unable to take my eyes off her almost bare ass. Aside from the thin string of fabric that nestled between her ass cheeks, she was all soft skin and temptation.
She held her back to me as she pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it onto the bench next to her.
I lost track of how many minutes passed as I stood there frozen and unable to look away from the perfect curves of her ass. I thought about turning around and leaving before she realized I was watching, but before I could, she turned and faced me.