Page 65 of Vanilla and Vice
Opening up to another person was something I rarely did, but somehow, it felt safe knowing some of her inner demons.
She stared at my hand as if it was a venomous snake.
“I won’t hurt you, Eden,” I promised.
At least not at that moment I wouldn’t.
I couldn’t make that kind of promise about any moment past the one we were in.
She swallowed, the action moving her slender neck and drawing my eyes to her graceful collarbones.
Finally, she closed her eyes and stepped closer to me. I pulled her into my arms, loving the feel of her tiny body against mine, and then I reached up and pushed her long blond locks from her shoulders, so I could see her beautiful neck.
“Tell me his name and I’ll have him killed.”
I was only half joking.
She looked up at me and shook her head. “I bet you would, too, wouldn’t you? I bet you have that kind of pull.”
I grinned, giving her an answer without actually saying hell yes.
“It’s best if I don’t answer that. After all, that would make you an accomplice.”
Her lips tilted into a grin, but then she sobered. “Don’t make me laugh. I’m furious with you.”
“Why is that again?”
She glared. “You know why. You realize this just means now Luke and I will have to have a makeup date to rectify the one you sabotaged.”
Now I was instantly sober. “The hell you will. I don’t want you dating anyone from Empire Sevens.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Why? Do all your female employees have this rule, or is it just me?”
“I mean it, Eden.”
“Is this another one of your ploys to get me to quit?”
“If that is what it takes to keep you from dating anyone else.”
She pulled back and crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re serious?”
I nodded, feeling crazy at just the thought of her and Luke alone again.
“As a fucking heart attack. I dare you, angel. Try me.”