Page 70 of Vanilla and Vice
“I LIKE THESE TWO, and this one,” I said, pointing at the new cocktails Dell had been working on.
Kade and I paid Dell big bucks for a reason. He was a genius with alcohol, concocting specialty drinks exclusive to Empire Sevens to lure the customers.
Casinos up and down The Strip tried to copy us, but that only lit a fire under Dell’s ass to make something even more extravagant and tasty.
“Go ahead and put these on the menu as the new specials,” I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin.
He nodded and grinned, obviously proud to please me.
“Sounds good. I’ll get right on that. Have you—” His sentence was cut off when the phone behind the bar rang.
“Get it,” I told him, grabbing another drink off the bar and tossing it back.
Alcohol had become my best friend over the past few days. It was the only thing that kept me numb, which helped keep my thoughts off Eden long enough to get me through the night.
I wanted to feel relief that she wasn’t working tonight, but the hardness of my cock had other plans. Every time I turned, I hoped I would see her there, but then again, I knew that wouldn’t go over well since I needed at least twenty-four hours to think about what I was planning.
Jumping off the wagon and letting the sex addict in me take control was a big deal to me. I worried that once he was loose, I would never be able to contain him.
“Luke!” Dell called to the other bartender. “It’s Eden. She wants you. She sounds kind of funny.”
The mention of her name and the fact she was calling Luke instantly sobered me. All my attention went to listening to Luke’s one-sided conversation.
What the fuck was Eden calling Luke for anyway?
Didn’t I tell her I forbade it?
Jealousy lit a fire in the pit of my stomach, and I found myself glaring at Luke.
“Eden? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Luke asked.
It annoyed the fuck out of me that I couldn’t hear her response, but he listened for a bit before a tiny grin tugged at his lips as he scribbled something down. Then he nodded and said, “Okay, I’m on my way.” He handed the phone back to Dell. “Can you cover my shift for a couple of hours?” he asked.
Dell nodded before setting the phone back onto the counter. I waited for him to ask Luke why, but it didn’t seem like he would.
No one was saying anything. I had no idea what was going on, and I hated being out of the loop on anything.
“What’s going on?” I demanded.
Dell and Luke looked over at me as if I hadn’t been standing there the entire time.
“Uh, it was Eden. She thought she heard something at her place, and with Kennedy out of town, she’s a little freaked out. You know how women can be. I’m sure it’s nothing, but I’m going to go over—”
I was out of my seat before he could even finish his sentence.
“Finish your shift. I’ll go.”
“But ...” he started, obviously hoping to get Eden alone, but one look from me had the rest of his sentence frozen.
I didn’t waste any more time with the two of them as I walked away and headed toward the entrance to the hotel. Jerome, part of our security detail, saw me going toward the door and was already speaking in the mic on his wrist to get my car.
Waiting the few minutes for them to bring my car around felt like hours. When they finally pulled around in front, I was out of the parking lot before I could blink. I didn’t know what to think of my reaction to hearing that someone could possibly be inside Kennedy’s place while Eden was there alone.
I made it to Kennedy’s place in less than five minutes, and when I got there, I didn’t bother waiting for anyone to take my keys. Instead, I parked right in front of the main door and dared anyone to touch my fucking car.