Page 19 of One & Only You
The only thought in my mind was how much more I could take because the more he drove into me, the more I felt as though I was ready to explode into a million little pieces.
“Yes.” He groaned, his head back and his neck muscles tense with pleasure.
“What’s it telling you? Is it telling you how good you feel inside me?”
“Fuck,” he cursed at my words. “Yes. It’s telling me you can’t get enough of me.”
“I can’t,” I admitted, digging my heels into the backs of his thighs and holding him to me in desperation.
He looked down at me in confusion, sweat dripping from his face and dotting my chest. His expression was one of awe and need.
“What are you doing to me?” he asked. “I can’t … I can’t get deep enough. I want to be so deep, baby. A part of you. All of you.”
They were words of pleasure—words of a man driven to the next level—a man on the verge.
He pushed harder, deeper until he reached a secret spot inside, and my body gave. My orgasm washed over me like a hot ocean wave.
My body shook as my screams ricocheted around the room. Heat spilled from between my legs, coating him, and my body gripped him until he stiffened above me. With a desperate plea, he once again called out the one name I was beginning to hate.
I wanted so badly for him to say Addison or Addy, and for him to see me and know me. I didn’t hate my sister, but I was angry she made me do this. I was mad she exploited my love for our father and my secret obsession with Wyatt to force me into marrying the man I loved.
It sounded crazy, but while I loved Wyatt so much it hurt, our relationship meant nothing because he wasn’t married to me. He wasn’t making love to me. He wasn’t going to be hopefully spending the rest of his life with me
It would always be Allison and knowing that broke my heart in a way I never knew was possible. In fact, it destroyed me a little every time he called me by her name.
“Allison? You okay, baby?”
My eyes clenched tightly, and I took a deep breath, holding in the tears burning behind my eyelids. Allison would never cry after sex. She would never cry at all. If I was going to be her, I couldn’t let him see me break.
He had said he liked the new side of me. The shyness. The quiet contentment. At least I could continue to be that part of myself with him.
I opened my eyes to find his soft sable eyes staring down at me, and once again, I lied.
“I’m okay. It’s just this overwhelming feeling inside. I can’t make it go away.”
A sexy smirk touched his lips as he slid from my body. Again, I shook with the sensation as the cool air filled my empty passage.
“Then stop trying,” he said, leaning down to kiss me sweetly on the corner of my mouth. “Because if I have it my way, I’ll always be inside you.”
He winked, and I giggled, loving his playfulness. If it weren’t for the fact that I was already madly in love with Wyatt, I knew I would be spending our honeymoon falling in love with him.