Page 23 of One & Only You
She was going to be the death of me. I was sure of it. All I wanted was to push myself inside her and stay there forever. I had never felt that way about any woman, yet within a couple of days of being away, Allison had somehow changed the shape of our relationship.
Maybe marriage did that.
Maybe I was only seeing her differently because of our new connection.
But I could see myself falling in love with my wife when I hadn’t thought it was possible before. Allison had been cold and standoffish, but here in Bora Bora, surrounded by warmth and sunshine, she was glowing and passionate.
She was everything.
I walked us out of the water and set her back on her feet when we reached the sand. Once we collected our shoes and her top, we held hands and made our way to the surprise I had waiting for her.
“Tell me, Allison. How brave are you?”
She looked up at me with wide eyes. “What do you mean?”
I chuckled, excited to see the look on her face when we arrived at our destination. And once we saw the colorful parasails in the air and the boats, realization hit. Her mouth popped open, and worry pulled at her brows.
Holding her hand tightly in case she tried to run, I led her to the dock where a line of boats bobbed gently. People meandered around the pier, blinding me with their tropical wear and neon colors. Reaching the last boat, we found a few residents setting up a rainbow-colored parasail for us.
When I moved closer to the boat, she stopped, digging her flip-flops into the wood of the dock.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
She didn’t speak, but I could see in her eyes that she was afraid.
“You can say no if you don’t want to, but I would love if you went parasailing with me.”
She just stood there, staring back at me.
“Come on. You swam with sharks. You’re a wild woman, remember?”
“Baby sharks,” she clarified.
“A shark is a shark. The point is, you’re the bravest woman I know.”
She smirked, giving my hand a tiny squeeze before she surprised me by saying, “You know what? Let’s do it. I’d do anything with you.”
My heart skipped a beat at her confession. Allison had never spoken to me so sweetly. It was as though Bora Bora had magic in the air, and she was breathing it in.
We got into the boat, and I held her so she wouldn’t fall over when the boat bobbed with our weight.
“Never been on a boat before?” I asked.
“It’s been a while.”
“You’ll have your sea legs in no time.”
Once she was comfortable enough to have a seat, our guide talked us through the process of parasailing. Every time he mentioned something that frightened her, she would squeeze my hand as if it somehow made her feel better. I liked the feel of being her lifeline in a way. I wanted to be strong for her. She needed me, and I loved being needed.
Once the boat pulled away from the dock, she was leaning into my side, and I was holding her close with my arm around her shoulders. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun on top of her head, her dark shades keeping her blue eyes away from me, and I couldn’t help but stare down at her.
She was beautiful.