Page 4 of One & Only You
I really did love him, and a part of me was excited to be able to spend time with him, but the logical side of me knew what Allison and I were doing was immoral. I felt sick knowing how I was deceiving him—knowing he hadn’t chosen me. Even though I was infatuated with him and had been for years, he would never have chosen me.
Once we exchanged rings, I breathed deep, willing myself to remain calm.
“Let us pray,” the pastor said, lifting his Bible.
Legs shaking, I bowed my head and closed my eyes. I said my own tiny prayer and hoped God would forgive me for the deception I had agreed to. I was a weak person, weaker than my brave sister, but I was human, and I loved Wyatt and my father with all my heart and soul.
How could it be so wrong when my words of devotion and love were spoken from the heart?
The room rumbled with amen when the pastor finished.
“You may kiss your bride.”
My lungs seized, and the room around us went still. I barely had time to register what was happening before Wyatt was moving in to kiss me.
How pathetic was I?
Marrying a man I loved who didn’t love me.
And receiving my very first kiss.
His soft lips brushed against mine, and I sucked in a breath, feeling shivers roll down my spine. His warm breath mingled with mine, and I could almost taste all he was. Shock slammed into me, and my body shook when he pressed his mouth to mine.
Time stood still at that moment. His lips devoured mine, and I felt my body go limp in his hold. It was everything I had ever dreamed of. The kiss was sheer perfection.
Warm and smooth.
Hard and tender.
He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his large, robust body against mine to kiss me harder and claim me as his own. A rushing rumble filled my ears as the blood in my veins quickened, moving through my body like a freight train. I opened a bit for him, allowing him to swoop in and have a taste of me as I relished in his flavor.
It was over as quickly as it started, and I was left staring into a crowd of standing and cheering guests. Allison shoved the bouquet back into my arms, and I planted a broad smile on my face as Wyatt intertwined our fingers and pulled me down from the altar and along the aisle toward the back of the church.
I tried to smile at the blurry mass of people as I passed, faint from his kiss and wracked with nerves, but it was hard when I felt sick with guilt. I clung to his hand and let him lead me away from the room full of people, hoping once I wasn’t the center of attention, I would start to feel a bit better.
Once we cleared the church and were in the quiet hall that ran along the front, Wyatt pulled me to the side and cupped my cheek with his large, warm palm.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You looked like you were about to faint in there.”
I nodded, my throat feeling scratchy and thick.
“I’m fine. Just n-n-nerves.”
As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew they were a mistake.
“Since when do you get nervous?” His brow arched, and his lips lifted in a slanted smile.
Covering his hand with my own, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his warm skin against my face. When I opened them, he was smiling down at me, his eyes illuminated with happiness, and I knew no matter what became of our situation, I would do everything in my power to be an excellent wife to him for as long as we were married.
“Since I became Mrs. James,” I answered, trying to make light of the situation.
“Oh, really? Being my wife makes you nervous?”
He pulled me close, and my body melted into his. Being close to Wyatt was better than I ever imagined it would be.
“No,” I answered truthfully.
Being married to him didn’t make me nervous. What made me nervous was the thought of him finding out he had married the wrong twin.
“How does being my wife make you feel?” he asked, fingering a perfectly curled strand of hair against my cheek.
“It makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the entire world.”
And that was the truth.
At least for now anyway.