Page 49 of One & Only You
A baby. His baby. Our baby.
It all made sense. I hadn’t had my period in a while, but I figured it was stress. It wasn’t like I didn’t think it was possible. Wyatt had been inside me so many times I had lost count, but I should have been smarter. I had thought nothing could pull us apart, but I had been wrong. My sister had done just that, leaving me to face the consequences on my own.
He deserved to know, and I wanted to tell him, but I didn’t want to screw up my father’s healthcare. Wyatt had paid for everything in full. If the truth came out now, he might change his mind and take it all away. I couldn’t let that happen. Not with how much better Dad was looking these days.
My secret would remain just that … mine.
I couldn’t tell Wyatt the truth, and he might not ever know about our baby, but I still found myself wanting to run to him. I needed to see him. I knew it was wrong to go, but I couldn’t help myself. Before I realized what I was doing, I found myself in my car and on the way to his house.
Allison wasn’t there, so he would think I was her. I could tell him that I flew home for a bit. Whatever I needed to do to be near him. I couldn’t tell him about the baby … not yet at least, but I wanted him to hold me. It was the only time I felt safe.
When I pulled up in his driveway, I saw his bedroom light on. He was probably lying in bed watching TV alone. I pictured him with no shirt on, his bare chest hard and sexy, and a pair of gray sweats, which did nothing to hide the shape of his perfect cock. I clenched my thighs together to relieve the pressure building between them.
I wanted him.
I needed him.
And so, I would have him.
The alarm wasn’t set, and the side door was unlocked, so I opened it and went inside. I moved through the semi-lit house toward where I knew he was.
His bedroom.
Once I made it to the door, I paused to take a deep breath and pull out the courage I would need to go inside. Once I gathered enough bravery, I stepped through the doorway and into the light of the TV.
He turned my way, his eyes going a bit wide at the sight of me.
“Allison?” He sat up, his chest shining in the silver lights of the screen he had been watching.
I didn’t respond to that name since it wasn’t mine. Instead, I moved across the room and toward him. He turned in bed, throwing his legs over the edge as if he was about to stand and greet me, but before he could, I pressed my palms against his shoulders so he wouldn’t stand.
He looked up at me, confusion and emotion filling his expression.
“You’re really here,” he whispered.
Leaning down, I kissed him softly, tasting him and memorizing the moment. His hands went around my back, grabbing my hips and lifting me onto his lap. I wrapped my legs around his hips, feeling that he was already hard as he pressed into my center.
Breaking our kiss, I pushed on his shoulders until he lay down flat on the bed. Then I climbed on top of him, kissing him once again as I slid my top up the best I could. I broke the kiss once more to pull my top over my head before tossing it onto the floor behind me.
“I need you,” I said honestly.
Because I did.
I needed him like I needed my next deep breath.
He wasted no time, tugging his sweats down as I discarded my shorts and panties. Then I was on top of him again, settling down onto his length and spearing myself with him.
I gasped at the sensation of being filled. After weeks of missing him, the pain of losing him lessened at that moment.
He sat up, his chest pressed against mine, and lost his hands in my hair as he thrust his hips up, pulling out and filling me again and again.
“I missed you so fucking much, Angel.”