Page 52 of One & Only You
I woke in my bed with the scent of Wyatt on my skin. My body hummed from our night together, satisfied and replete. I could still feel his touch and hear his heated moans of pleasure. When I closed my eyes, I could see his expression of sweet agony while we made love.
I lay there, replaying the feel of his hands on my skin, the need in his voice when he begged me to stay, and the look in his eyes when he pushed me over the edge. My body slowly came alive again, needing more of him, but I knew that was our last time together.
Leaving him after he fell asleep had been hard, but I knew it was for the best. I didn’t want to imagine what he would think when he woke up, and I wasn’t there. Hurting him was killing me, but I couldn’t seem to stay away. I hated what we were doing to him, and since I was a decent human being, I would force myself to stay away from him. No matter how badly I needed him in my life.
Sitting up, I pulled the covers away from my warm skin. As soon as I sat up, nausea roiled through my stomach. I wrapped my arms around myself, making my way to the one place that seemed to help — the front porch. Every time I felt myself getting sick, I would sit on the swing and breathe in the fresh air, and it seemed to help.
The morning breeze caught my hair, lifting it off the back of my neck. I pulled it to the side and put a quick braid in it before sitting on the swing and relaxing. I hadn’t been there long when I heard a car pull up. I turned toward the sound and saw Wyatt climb from his car and slam the door behind him.
His face was red, his jaw clenched tight. He was angry.
Was he upset about last night?
Did he know?
He didn’t see me sitting on the side of the swing and went toward the front door. Before he could push the doorbell, I said, “Hey, again.”
He turned at the sound of my voice and started toward me.
“Just the girl I’m looking for.”
His words left me feeling a bit breathless.
“What’s up?” I asked, sitting up straighter.
“It’s your sister.” He sat down on the swing beside me and pushed off with his long legs.
I swallowed, the breeze catching his cologne and sending it my way. I closed my eyes and breathed him in. “What about her?”
“She’s driving me crazy, that’s what. I mean, I just don’t get it. Maybe you can explain things to me.”
“Explain things? What things?”
He was swinging us too fast, and my stomach started to turn again. I choked the nausea down, hoping I didn’t get sick in front of him.
“I don’t know,” he said, running his long fingers through his dark hair. He looked tired, and I knew it was because I had kept him up late. “She’s so all over the place.”
I chuckled. “Well, that’s Allison for you.”
He turned my way, his dark eyes moving over my face.
“Are you feeling okay?” he asked, surprising me.
Did I look as bad as I felt?
I nodded. “I’m fine. Tell me what’s going on.” I turned the attention away from me.
“It’s just weird. I don’t want to air out our private business, but maybe she talks to you. She’s your twin sister, after all.”
I didn’t correct him. Sure, we were twins, but we weren’t close, and we rarely had heart-to-heart talks.
“Maybe you can shed some light on why she’s two different people.”
My heart paused at his words. He was so close to the truth. Allison was two people lately. She was me, and she was her.