Page 57 of One & Only You
“Well? Did everything go okay?”
“Oh, that wasn’t the appointment. They just checked my weight and blood pressure. They took a little bit of blood. They’ll call me back and put me in a room soon.”
“Oh. Shows how much I know about these things.”
She grinned up at me. “I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to know about these things.”
We waited another fifteen minutes before her name was called yet again. This time, I decided to go back with her. I stood, but again, she stopped me.
“You don’t need to come with me.”
“It’s fine. I want to go with you.”
“Are you sure? It might get kind of weird back there.”
I chuckled. “I’m pretty sure it’s already weird.”
“That’s true.”
She laughed a bit before turning and following the nurse back to an exam room. Once we settled in the room, I took a seat at the head of the examination table. The nurse moved around the room, grabbing supplies, before pulling out a sheet and a gown for Addison.
“Here, change into this.”
The nurse handed her a gown, and Addy’s face turned as white as the sheet on the bed. “Change? Why?”
“The doctor will want to do a vaginal exam.”
Addison turned to me, and whispered, “You need to leave the room.”
“Oh, he’s fine. Husbands are allowed to stay in the room while the doctor checks and makes sure there are no issues.”
After that, she left the room, giving Addison and me privacy.
“You can’t be in here, Wyatt,” she said, gripping the gown to the front of her shirt.
“Why not?”
The gown would cover her. Not to mention, the nurse had given her a sheet for more coverage. As long as I stayed at her head, I wouldn’t see anything below. I didn’t want to leave her in that room with a strange doctor by herself.
“One: you’re not my husband. Two: I’m about to strip.”
I turned my back to her and faced the wall.
“Go ahead and strip. I promise not to look, but I’m not leaving the room.”
“Yep. Seriously.”
She sighed behind me, and then I heard the sounds of fabric as she undressed. Within what felt like seconds, she was climbing onto the exam table.
“Okay, all done.”
When I turned around, she wore the gown with the sheet draped over her legs, and she sat with her back straight, wearing an apprehensive expression.
The room was silent as we waited. Thankfully, we didn’t have to wait long before there was a tap on the door and the doctor came in.
He was a big man, almost as tall as me, with dark hair and eyes. Even I could admit he was a handsome guy, and when I looked down at Addison, it was obvious by her expression she thought so too. For some reason, I didn’t like that.