Page 103 of Shattered Skull
“Be honest, Everly, what did you do to tie our boy down?” Saint asked around a mouth full of Captain Crunch.
We were sitting around the table, eating a quick breakfast before I had to go to school. The end of the school year was approaching, and while I was in the home stretch, I still wanted to keep my GPA up.
Aiken rolled his eyes, and I laughed. “I didn’t do anything,” I answered.
“Lies,” Joker spoke up. “What kind of magic potion do you have swimming between your thighs, woman?”
I snorted, almost spitting out my orange juice, and Aiken’s face went hard and angry.
“Don’t talk about what’s between my woman’s thighs,” Aiken said through his teeth. “Don’t even think about it.”
Joker held his hands up, palms out. “I just want to know what to avoid.”
Again, I laughed.
“Trust me. When the right one comes along, you won’t be able to run,” I said, making him shiver in fear.
The boys had become like older brothers to me. Even Crow became a bit of a protector. They all agreed I had no business working at Smiley’s, but I wasn’t about to stop. I wanted to be able to help with bills, even though they laughed at the amount of money I made.
Not everyone could be race stars and drug dealers.
Once I moved in, things around the house slowed down. While there were still parties, they weren’t as wild. The house stayed clean, and things shut down earlier in the night. There were even some nights when we would sit in front of the big screen, watch movies, and eat pizza instead of drinking and being crazy.
We drove Aiken’s bike everywhere, only using Erik’s car on rainy days, and Aiken had even talked me into being on his motorcycle when he did a few stunts at The Strip. The crowd loved that.
My anxiety and panic attacks stopped, and I began leaving my bottle of medication on our dresser instead of taking it everywhere with me. Aiken gave me strength like I never had before, and I was blossoming into someone powerful and in control.
I stood from the table and set my breakfast plate in the sink. “I better get going,” I said, leaning over and kissing Aiken.
When I pulled away to leave, he tugged me in for more and kissed me deeper.
“Gross,” Saint said, tossing a piece of cereal at us.
I grinned against Aiken’s lips, and I felt him return my smile.
“Are you staying late today?” he asked, running his large hand down my side.
I had been staying late a few days a week to catch up before graduation. Between taking a week off and missing school for work, I had gotten a little behind.
I nodded. “Yeah, but not long.”
Aiken and the guys handled business when I wasn’t around. I never knew what they were doing, but they all agreed they didn’t want me around it. I was okay with that. I was sure it was illegal things, and even though I loved Aiken, I wanted nothing to do with anything of the sort.
My classes dragged, and afterward, I went to the library to study and catch up. Studying at home was difficult since there were always people at the house and buyers going in and out. I couldn’t focus with all the doors opening and closing. It was a lot.
No one was home when I got there, but Aiken had given me a key, so I went inside. I tossed my bag on the couch and slipped off my sandals before I went into the kitchen for something to drink.
Just as I was going around the bend to the kitchen, something caught the corner of my eye. I turned to find two guys in Saint’s bedroom going through his stuff. His drawers were pulled from his dresser, and clothes were tossed everywhere.
I backed away, hoping they wouldn’t see me, but before I could get very far, they turned my way. I started to run down the hallway, but they caught me, pulling my arms behind my back and dragging me to Saint’s room.
I screamed and kicked, trying to get away, but the one holding me back was stronger than he looked.
He was tall and thin, and his face was covered in scabs. He looked strung out and wild, and that was a scary combination.
“Shut her up,” the other guy demanded.
A dirty hand was smashed over my lips, holding in my screams, but I didn’t give up. The other guy continued to dig through Saint’s stuff, obviously looking for something. Once they went through everything and still hadn’t found whatever it was they were looking for, they moved us to the next room.