Page 109 of Shattered Skull
“What happened?” he asked, moving across the room and taking me in his arms.
I went tense when his arms went around me, and he pulled back and looked down at me with confusion.
“Nothing. I just needed some air.” I cleared my throat and moved away from him.
My heart broke at the expression that moved over his face, and my chest went hollow. I loved Aiken so much I would leave him before I ripped him away from his family. To do that, I had to shut off my feelings if I could.
Turning away from him, I started toward the bedroom. He followed. Once I was in the room, I pulled out my empty bag and started putting my things inside.
“Wait. What’s happening right now?” he asked from the doorway.
I didn’t respond. Instead, I opened the top drawer where my panties and socks were, and I began emptying the drawer into my bag.
“Everly, stop for a minute and talk to me. What the fuck is going on?”
I breathed deep and exhaled. The tears I was trying to hold back fell against my will and drained down my cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Aiken, but I can’t do this anymore,” I lied.
I didn’t look at him. I would never be able to break it off if I did.
“You can’t do what? I’m so fucking confused right now.”
I began to tremble, feeling anxiety with Aiken in the room for the first time in a long while.
“I’m sorry. It’s over,” I said clearly.
My breaths were lodged in my lungs, making me feel as if I was suffocating.
“Where is this coming from?” he asked, his voice strained and broken.
I wasn’t looking at him, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see him running his fingers through his hair. He did that when he felt helpless.
“It’s just something I need to do.”
He moved closer to me and ran his finger down my arm. I jerked it away, knowing if he tried to touch me, I would never be able to leave.
“Talk to me, baby. Tell me what I did,” he whispered.
“You didn’t do anything.”
He held his arms up and dropped them at his sides.
“Then why are you doing this?”
“I just have to,” I said, not being able to come up with a good enough excuse.
“But why?” he pushed, his voice breaking and making my heart bleed.
“Because I don’t want to make you choose—especially knowing you won’t choose me!”I blurted.
I bawled, my emotions spilling over. I sniffled and swiped at my running nose.
“What the fuck are you talking about? There’s no other choice. There’s only you, baby.”
I cried out, covering my mouth to hold it back. When he tried to put his arms around me to comfort me, I pushed him away and broke my own heart yet again.
“Trust me, Aiken, there’s a choice. You just don’t know it.”